Mike, most of your boats are highly respected because of the guy holding the transmitter Heh. @Keith - I strongly support the idea that every battler build a boat they like (God knows I've done some oddballs), but I assumed you were talking Allied because of the subject line I myself built a Baden, they are fine ships. As far as battling preference, I've tended to yell 'Banzai!' far more than I've yelled 'Tallyho!', but I am not diehard either way.
If I was going to build an Allied slugger it would be a QE, one of the only ships to sink Jeff Lide's Mutsu in a straight up 1v1 exchange. Granted the Captain had a lot to do with it at the time (Tyler) but fact is.. the QE gave Tyler a great platform for destruction in 2010. The Iron duke is a close second but for 20ft in length I would rather have the 75 round haymaker. You would be amazed at how many ships you can shoot when you drop 10 or 15 in each ship as you go. If you want a target with next to no penetrable area above the waterline, then the Iron Duke is the ship for you. Brian Lamb was very scary in his Iron Duke in Houston 2010 and in Minnesota 2011. As far as the Baden.. you cant compare turning of long ships against the Nassau and the Baden. They are short ships that spin and if turning is your only success criteria then you will have to build a Nassau or Baden. However it doesn't mean that any other ship with less turning is a 'bad' turner. As I said, if it were a choice then I would build a QE, lots of hull volume, 26 seconds, 75rd haymaker, turns very well for its size (if you know what you are doing), had lots of room for batteries and other internals, ...etc. PS I have been driving a Baden since 2009 and I have seen them all. See ya J
>Richelieu, The Erin is an interesting choice. I will add it to the short list. I did not see a fiberglass hull available for it. For my next combat ship I want to stay with a purchased fiberglass hull. I may scratch build a Liberty ship just for the fun of it….. later…… maybe. I started in the hobby worrying that I needed the absolute best ship. What I have learned is that the ship is not what makes a good battler, but the ship's reliability and how the captain uses it. I would somewhat disagree with that statement. A captain that can gain respect with a “dog” boat could be a “most feared” in a good boat. Ron, I ran an Invincible for a short time, but did not build it. The Invincible I ran did not impress me. That was right after I ran the Nassau however, and the Nassau is one nasty little boat! The Nagato was right up there with the N.C. last time I was making this decision. At the time I wanted a fast BB. If I were to do it again I would have built the Nagato. I miss the haymaker. Keith
In defense of the Invincible... there is no good reason that an I-boat should sit and trade barbs with a Nassau. It has a speed advantage and should be able to remove itself if it's in an ugly position where the Nassau's superior turning is putting the I-boat at a disadvantage. Unless you're doing a strict 1v1 duel, but how often does that happen? If you want a great ship in a furball, SMS Scharnhorst is it. LOTS of hard area, 26 seconds, and while limited to bow and stern guns, the pointy ends of the ship mean you can do belows with those guns at close range.
I thought about making a plug and mold of the Erin. Then realized that there wouldn't be a demand for the ship with the Iron Duke and QE on the market. By the way, I have been voted Most Feared with the Erin (x2) and one with the Richelieu. Course, the Richy wasn't battling MWC or IRC at the time. For an idea of the Erin's turning versus a German ship, watch this: www.youtube.com/watch. The Erin was voted most feared Allied that Nats.
Is the interwar South Dakota class legal for fastgun? There's one here running big gun and its the epitomy of a slugger, with twelve (!) 1/4 guns....
A couple of thoughts. -Dont over think it. -Dont worry about my Bayern she will be very different from what ever you decide to build. -Our local club allows hypothetical warships as long as there is data in Conways. -Have you looked at VDT? -Dont rule out the newer laser cut kits. In general they are very nice. I think I have been in the same place you are now. -For turning Baden, Nassau and VU are the best. But someday we will be on a bigger pond and then speed will matter more. -That means Iron Duke, QE and VDT start to have more merit as at 28 seconds its kinda hard to force the enemy to fight if they are faster. -Mackensen is going to be my large pond boat as she is a casemented, five unit Derfflinger. Should be a fun boat to battle. -Nagato is a beast when well driven. Everything you seem to like about the NC but with a haymaker and better sides.