Got a question for those more in the know than me. With analog servos becoming a thing of the past, can one run both types of servos at the same time or can you only run each type? The reason is I still have quite a few analog servos but am looking to get new ones and they all seem to be digital. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Eric
Yes you can run them together with no issue provided your not running a system with some oddball higher or lower than spec frame rate or voltage that only one or the other supports
Digital servos are almost entirely backwards-compatible with analog servos. The big difference is that digital servos have a much faster control loop than analog servos, so they are able to reach their rated speed/torque/etc. faster than analog servos. Many digital servos are also able to operate at a wider range of voltages, and use other types of inputs than the traditional PWM signal that analog servos use (SBUS, etc), but you can always use them with a standard hobby radio with standard PWM signals.