It is always easier to reverse engineer with a sample BB Gun in hand, I am just doing research and reading stuff I can find o the internet. I am a long way from installing a BB gun.And will keep your advice in mind when the time comes to get the BB Guns installed.
Agreed. I attempted to build my first cannons. Even with tips for building and looking hard at other person's cannons, mine did not work well at all. They spurted. Heh. So I bought a set from BC. They worked perfectly. I also saw what I did wrong and eventually built new cannons that worked perfectly. The point? Buying that first set is worth the cost to not only have cannons that work but to learn how to build your own from.
Doesn't the 90 degree at head of barrel cause issues. Back in the day I made my barrels from stainless. First cut to length, height plus barrel length. Then melted bismith(?) an poured down barrel. When hardened barrel was bent using tubing bender. The barrel was then put in boiling water to melt bismuth (about 100 degree melting point) go air to clean. Using bismuth in barrel prevents linking. Nice smooth barrel.
Both methods work fine. if the L fitting is too soft eventually a dimple will form and prevent it from operating properly but they shoot fine. With the bent tube you must use stainless or eventually the ball will wear into the copper fitting. Both options have upsides and downsides but both work