John, Maybe it's a site problem. My post about the battle got stretched way off to the right too. Bob
Hey John, After you click the (insert image) button and paste your photo link into it, just hit return a couple of times to force a carriage return and drop down another line or two. Then the pix will all post up and down and not across the page making it too wide. Mack
It was a very good time and allot of fun!! Bob, thanks for the invite from both Steve Crane and myself and we hope there may be time for one more battle before the ice shows up. John, I am happy to here about the successful reception of RC combat by the folks running Uniacke house, it is a very good site with lots of potential. When you start hauling logs etc give me a call and I'll lend a hand. J
Mack, It's back to normal format now, but when I saw my battle report earlier tonight it was spread way across the window. Odd. Bob