Let's go here Admiral.... even though we aren't with you ... we are in spirit and are willing to help get you going. Chuck and Joy want to help with cyber space! Chris and I with an moral ? morale? that we can help with! Name it my man you got it. Paul, Osborne, Russ, Jay, Pam, Heidi, William, Gregory, Ian, Mac ... we are ready to lend a hand at a moments notice. You have our full support. Right guys!
Thanks guys.It's well appreciated. CHuck I have no computer image of the ARCC logo. The signs were split between me and the other 2 fellows here. We did that last year. This year though the show cost mostly out of my pocket. Vechicle rental was the killer. The room rental I got at a discount for 2 days. That was not the problem as I had forcast that cost. The 2 tables were 124.00 that was an unexpected and unforseen event. I sold one table to one of the members for my cost of that one table. The other is now set up with Bismarck and PE on it. This will be where PE and Bismarck along with California and Tirpitz will be built upon.
Ok Curt. Solution for you. Borrow the good camera. Or the person and the good camera. Take the sign to place with good natural lighting. You should have no shadows or glare or anything like that. (although most image programs can get rid of most.... it's just the white needs to show up gooooooood) Get him or you to take the pics. Take a few. Get in nice and close so the sign IS the picture. Watch for shadows. Try to keep the sign in frame, even and in focus. Snap off a few.... send them to me and I will see what I can do with them. Sound good? I get a good image and send it to Chuck and Joy... Fair?