Correct spelling is "Cheery O" Check out captions Dawn Patrol, 1920, Richard Barthelmess and Thomas "Twitchy" Cornhale. Scene 3
1. Shall we discuss thread drift... 2. Thanks Caleb. 3. Carl and Chris are both correct. in my experience, thicker oils, automotive oils, higher viscosity gun oils, etc. WILL gum up a cannon - esp if left to mix with water and ignored for a year. lower viscosity and especially silicone and various synthetic oils work well. To that point, blow out all loose debris rust ,etc., and water with CO2 which is zero humidity. put some of the appropriate oil in AND immediately run 2 mags of BB's through it. Has worked well for me.
All oils are STICKY, thats how they work. I go with NO STICKY stuff in my magazines. Cleaning them out with a lightly coated jag is OK as long as you follow it with a dry one to soak up the STICKY oily mess.
Well I found one of the barrels in a bucket of salt used to spread on the walkways in winter. Needless to say I’ll need more than a little oil for that poor guy