Point taken, I was also looking at it from a cost standpoint. Small, cheap electronic components are available as well as some very light batteries. And the guns should cost less as there's fewer of them lol. Probably start with a cruiser though, as there are few kits from Strike that have all the major components in them including the guns.
Destroyers allways seem to be cost effective to build, until you build one. Not to mention return on investment, once the novelty wears off you are already looking at a ship with more guns. Hang tight for now until you can get to an Atlanta battle and drive a Fletcher and a few other ships to see what will suit your building style.
Sounds like good advice. Going to be at least a month before I can get any kind of cash up. Just trying to do my homework.
This is a hull from the mold I made around 1998-1999. I made it deeper than scale for the extra displacement allowed under IRCWCC rules and sold a few hulls. I loaned the mold to Ralph Coles and he sold several more, then I sold the mold to Battlers Connection.
DDs are not 'seaworthy', mainly due to their low freeboard, and they have hardly any reserve buoyancy. I watched a NABS Akizuki sink itself in seconds by crossing it's own wake. I made the Z Boat mold and sold it to Battlers Connection but it was one of a handful of my hulls I didn't make a model from.
It's built from the Battlers Connection hull. I made the mold for the Z boat about 20 years ago and deepened the hull 3/8" for the extra displacement allowed under IRCWCC rules. After selling a bunch of them I sold the mold to Battlers.
Did this guy ever get a hull, posted in more than 1 thread For the z-boat now, get one from Phil. It's made from plastic and you can actually get it to work in battle (more weight to use)