Back in the Game!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Vic, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Hello there, it is time to get back in the game. I have had a Northampton for over some fifteen years now, which i have never battled. I am in the US NAVY and get moved around allot. When I first got started there was no clubs nearby to get in touch with.The NAVY now has me in Hawaii and you know what. There may not be a club here to get in touch with eather. If there is battler's here in the Pearl Harbor area please reply to this. My Northampton is in bad shape and in need of a refit, so I am building a new ship. I am working on the Maryland as she appeared in the 1930's. At the rate I am working i should have it in the water by the end of next month. Fitting out with cannons will not be complete until sometime in September.
    USS Northampton inactive fleet
    USS Maryland slipway
    USS Montana slipway
    USS Shangri-La planned
  2. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    I believe that there is a club finder, rather a member finder on this web site. Check to see if there is anyone near you.
    Hope that you find some folks local.
  3. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Thanks for the welcome,
    No one or club in my area. I will keep looking.
    My Northampton was FastGun, but i am thinking of going Treaty now.
  4. WillCover

    WillCover -->> C T D <<--

    Nov 1, 2009
    Harrison, Michigan
    I had a time delay with my PENNSYLVANIA started her in 98 finally battled last some posts at hobby shops ,if any exist

    Don’t know your rate but talk to someone in ordnance ..gunners mates they like destroying thingso_O
    Good luck
  5. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    There are two hobby ships near by. One is cars & plans the other is cars and trains. i think they are the only two on the iland. Only one of them has the wood and styrene i am useing for my ship. They know what i am building and would like to see the ship working. They have seen battles on the computer and looked at the sites. So i may get a club going here.

    I am Machinest Mate First Class with some 18 years in now. The GM's would like to see a working ship too.

    The world will be saved by steam.
  6. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Aloha from Hawaii. I have the Maryland on the water, but the plan to have the cannones in is behind. I am working on all my ships at the same time. I will have my Northampton fixed soon. That way i can have two ships on the water. I can start a club.
    USS Maryland fitting out
    USS Northampton in dry dock for refit
    Montana class ship on slipway and named USS Louisiana BB-71
    USS Shangri-La planned, OK I built the island
    SS Empress of India planned
    Treaty is allowing Never-was Warships that were planned but never built. I have read some books of the Alternate War series. Some of the ships in the series i thought were fictional turned out to be ships that were planned. If i get a good copy of the plans and some historical info i may just as well build one of them.
  7. KeriMorgret

    KeriMorgret Facilitator RCWC Staff Vendor

    Jul 15, 2009
    Seattle, Washington
    Victor, we'll be sure to send you some postcards with your next order that we send out. We have some that you can give to the hobby shop and other people that have some more information about the hobby. Right now it's more oriented towards big gun and has information about WWCC, but we're in the process of redoing the cards and listing all the major organizations and making the content applicable for all styles of battling.
  8. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Talk with the folks at your local hobby shops and see if they would allow you to display your boats from time to time.
    That way you can pass out fliers, and cards from the vendors.
    Also, check with any local R/C airplane clubs about displaying the boats at some of their fly-ins, or swap-meets.
    In order to grow the hobby, you have to show the hobby.
    Good luck.
  9. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Aloha. The hobby shop has space for my ship. The office I work at would like to see it. I am going to the RC lake this weekend to see when the next meet is. I will not have my ship with me, but I will check the local boaters to see if they would like to try the hobby out.

    I have the plans for the 1920 South Dakota DN, and ordered the Strike Models plans for Lexington BC. I am not going to build them for some time. I plan to start them at the end of next year. I have a CV to complete first.

    I need a cool nick name.
  10. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Sounds like you have the beginnings of a club already.
    Most folks have trouble deciding what ships to build first, because there are so many to choose from.
    Very good.
  11. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Nice choice of ships...
    eye candy...
    Lexington class BC
  12. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    That Saratoga is amazing.
  13. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Thanks, she's developed some good sea characteristics ove the past few years. It's a blast to sail.
  14. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Love that Sara! Makes me think of changing my plans from Lex CC-1 to Lex the CV-2. Is the Saratoga a 3 unit Fast gun or a 6 unit Treaty? What a sec, Big Gun!
    I am planning on building an Essex long hull the USS Shangri-La CV-35 for Treaty. I need to finsh the two ships I am working on first. Thay are going to show off the club. I have to order cannons and a CO2 tank for Maryland. The Northampton needs Radio, pump, cannons and a CO2 tank. The two ships are going to get a battle group going here. I know it.
  15. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    It is a class 3 fast gun.
    I run it as a convoy ship (34 sec, no guns, no pump) but like to bring it up to 26 seconds and hook up the pump for normal sailing. It has no guns mounted but is built to class 3 specs including waterline, rudder, ect and could get 2 guns mounted someday.
  16. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Aloha. Maryland is on the water, but gearbox is not working like it shoud. It is all four props to power. One motor to turn two props. The belts to the outboard shafts are snapping on the pulles. If I cannot fix it I will change to only the two inboard props under power. More updates, the Northampton's radio is in and she is almost on the water. The keel and ribs are cut out and togather for my carrier, the Shangri-La. And I keep missing the RC boat club get togathers.
    If my Essex long hull carrier I am building turns out in good shape and runs well, I will build three more warships. A Gearing class destroyer, a never-were Lexington Battle-Cruiser, and a nere-were South Dakota BB-46 class Battleship. The Auxiliary ships i have planned will be made with the left over wood. All will be made for Treaty.
    Treaty is allowing Nere-were Warships that were planned but never built. I have read some books of the Alternate Wars series like Luftwaffe 1946. (They do have Historical notes of what really happened.) Some of the ships that i thought were fictional turned out to be true. I found plans for the US Cruiser/Carriers on the Naval History and Heritage Command web site. There was also the Hindenburg a Battleship/Carrier highbred that was planned by the Germans. It can be made using Dreadnought hulls H-36 hull that comes cut in haft. Add some inches to the middle and that should give you the length. She would look like a Bismarck with a flight deck in the middle that over hangs Borneo and Cesar gun turrets. The flight deck would be longer than a CVE's flight deck, with the CV Graft Zeppelin island on it. I AM NOT BUILDING IT! If I find the book the plans are in, I will post them. I do believe it would give the German fleet a 8.5 unit ship. The only way to counter it would be the US Tillman Never-were Battleship designs. I am NOT building that one either.
    USS Maryland BB-45, USS Northampton CA-26 gun less
    USS Louisiana BB-71, USS Shangri-La CV-35 building
  17. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Looks like I am Moving back to the East Cost. I will look for a club when I get moved in.
    USS Northampton is on the water.
    USS Maryland is on the water but needs checking. I think i got it wrong.
    USS Montana is on the water but no guns.
    USS Shangri-La is on the water but no guns.
  18. irnuke

    irnuke -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 1, 2011
    York, SC
    Plenty of battlers up and down the East Coast. IRC primarily Virginia & Northward, MWC NC and Southward, but both groups mix well. You going to be in Norfolk?

    EM1(SS) retired. Go Navy!
  19. jimmybeekeeper

    jimmybeekeeper Active Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    ten mile tn
    i love norfolk used to go there often to buzzs marina a family friend as far as going probably not very soon quite a drive from here
  20. Vic

    Vic New Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    I will be in Norfolk some time this year. I HOPE. Then i can get some one to check my Warships. I would have posted a photo if i had more bandwidth here.
    I still have plans to build more Warships when i get back.

    MMC(SW) active. Go Navy!
    The World will be saved by steam!