Batteries - The Final Decision?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by wdodge0912, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. wdodge0912

    wdodge0912 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Doesn't matter
    i think i'm going 4 cell life with 8ah cells. Ebay has some for cheap, and ships from PA. I'll take a chance and order some here soon. 4s and 8ah should get me a sorties worth of power, and should fit in the Australia. eventually if i get a big ship, i can run 2 or 3 in parallel for capacity.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  2. wdodge0912

    wdodge0912 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Doesn't matter
    Would running the cells as a single pack, hooking them up with series adapters, cause too great of a loss of performance? I was thinking to start out I would do that, and could run them as 3 or 4 cell packs until I decide what works best for fitment. 16 cells gives either 4 4s packs or 5 3s packs with a spare cell. I can run either setup for a sortie. I suppose I could decide when I get them, but until then, would that be a decent enough plan to work with?
  3. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    If the weight/geometry works then go with 4 in series. No loss of performance unless you use small gauge wire, which would not make any sense.
    wdodge0912 likes this.
  4. wdodge0912

    wdodge0912 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Doesn't matter
    I figured as much, but didn't know really if it would matter that all 4 were seperate, usually it's just 2 packs of 2. The plan is 4 in series if it fits. It should be able too, I know the Australia is wide enough to fit 2 of the prismatic cells. and the 6 cell nimh I use for systems testing is very small, I could easily fit 4 of them as long as they would clear the coil mags of the wing cannons. I'm thinking I might take a gander at the straight mags I have and swapping to that, but it may be more work than I want to do right now during battle season. I still need to get something to hook up my air compressor to the boat so I can tweak the guns
  5. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    Conversion to straight mags isn’t that bad, I show construction of guns in many of my build threads, just need a torch, solder, flux, copper tube, flare to flare unions, and 3/32” brass tube. Takes maybe 30 min per gun, a bit longer if first time. Someone from GLAS should be able to walk you through it
  6. wdodge0912

    wdodge0912 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    Doesn't matter
    So I think to get going with my own Batteries Im going to get some cheap 6 cell 5200mah NiMHs and run them in parallel for now, and then upgrade later. The batteries will still be of use after being replaced, as they will be able to be used as a backup if I go for 2 cell or 4 cell voltages, and also they will work in my PT109. I'm hoping within a year to have then replaced with the batteries I will run, but for now they are less than $100 shipped for 8 batteries, enough for 4 sorties.