You should have weight to use a 12 amp hour SLA. This will get you enough for the drive motors and a stinger pump.
Thanks, I checked some out, and they are running around 9 LBS for a 12V, 12AH SLA battery. Does that sound right? 9 LBS is about 2/3 of my weight limit.
Going to keep it 6 volts so I can keep it all the same so the only challenge I can foresee is cash $$$ []
PM, They would cost almost as much to send as they are worth.... I would keep them for backup and for other projects (and testing, etc.) Cheers,
I'm running a 6v 12AH battery in my Des Moines-class USS Salem. It's got more then enough power and I have the weight to spare. For the price, I think that's your best option.
I ordered 5 10ahr d size nimhs and made a pack it runs all day in my newport news with two 500 size motors
I ran 7.2V High Drain NiMH 4500mAh this weekend they went in at 8.2 and came out at end of sorti 7.5 these run every thing on my cruiser PUMP RADIO as well as my 2 550 MOTORS [^]
It's a big ol SLA I had used in my Invincible. Worked like a champ and sat just about right on her waterline. I'm actually thinking about kicking the SLAs to the curb for the Invincible but will probably keep them in the Salem until they wear out. A few weeks ago I went camping and took the ship with me down to the lake there, and ran it for about 3 hours and still felt like I had plenty of juice left when I pulled it off the water and headed back to camp. I was running the pump a good portion of the time as well, filling up the hull with a good deal of water, then trying to spray my friends out there in a rented rowboat. Beat em in a race too haha.
Yeah it was a pretty good time. I got one of my buddies who does airplanes interested in at least coming to a battle to check things out. He'll probably run my Salem while I run the Invincible or maybe the Belleau Wood depending on how lazy I am feeling. Speaking of that, since I only have the two SLAs at the moment, I'll need to decide soon whether to order more so I can run the I boat and Salem at the same time or change the I boat over to nihms.