I was wondering if was any interest in haveing a battle in ohio with teh BBS group. I realize that the economy is not great but I thought I would throw it out there and see if any one would consider it. We have a very nice place with a club house and room to camp. I was thinking of doing a battle that would be come as you are. Buddy Friend
What do you mean when you say "come as you are"? Do you want the IRC ships to slow down or not? Without slowing our ships, we would have a Big advantage over the slower Treaty ships! I am not sure how I could slow my NC since I use a MAG throttle. Marty
BBS is not a treaty format,I believe they use normal IRC speeds except for a few ships that they slowed down like yammato. Buddy could fill you in on that .They have a great place ,I think you would really enjoy it
Ok what I was looking at was useing the irwcc speeds basically ,the bbs fleet would match the speeds of the other clubs this really only affects a few ships that would be allowed to speed up( like the NCs and Yamatos. in our current speed they are 26 sec. We are looking at being more universal in our ships to be able to comply with any club or battle . What we have been talkiing about was haveing a open spring regionals to all clubs, just have a good time !So for instance if Treaty wanted to battle ,they would have a sortie, then ships like bbs/ or who every would do a sortie and so forth . We have had a really good time and great food and cook outs and even a portable movie system where we watched Wild Hogs as we worked on our ships!
Hello I have gotten news that there are still some confusion as to what rule sets BBS uses. I think you will be surprised to find out that BBS has decided to use IRWCC Rule sets, so we will use these at our battles. Buddy
That was what we thought also (IRCWCC). We missed you at regionals. Is there any chance of coming to Nats? We would love to have you if even for a few days. It is in Rhode Island so no that's not really in the neighborhood for you. We are trying to keep it moving around but lakes that are nat tested are scarce.
Hope you guys have a great time.Rhode Island is a little ways for me to travel, have limited vacation time I can use. Buddy