Sorry, I forgot about this thread. Your group idea is very interesting. Maybe something like a support group dedicated to helping everybody wanting to get into the hobby. Maybe we could even start a Treaty club around PA. They have slower speeds, slower firing rate, but still use fast gun cannons. Sort of like a mix of big gun and fast gun. Beaver
Beaver & darkapollo , I'm going to starting looking for a pond here in Pittsburgh, Are you two willing to drive out here? Nikki
Its about a 3hr drive, so that is more than do-able once I get the Jersey done. I might salvage my fiberglass hull for a fast gun version too.
It's about 3 1/2 hours from here. I imagine I could make it out there if I had a heads up. I'll have to start looking around here for a battling pond. Plenty of people have great battling ponds around here. Beaver
Just a little sneak peak at what I am working on: The ribs are set 2" apart, just to give an idea of the scale. Ribs and cap rail are 1/4" wide. Ribs are 1/2" thick.
Im pretty much self-taught how to use SolidWorks. Ive done a lot of smaller models of paintball gun parts and I can do a lot of simple design work. This is my first 'big' project. That is only the mock-up assembly. The ribs will need customized to each section and notched for the double keel and recessed for the cap rail to sit and hold them in place.
She is BB62, Ol Jersey. I am hoping to have her layout done this week so I can set up the CAM design and cut her pieces out.
darkapollo, I like this nickname she got: Black Dragon, she got that cause she was painted a very dark blue, which made her very very very Hard to see at night!!! Nikki
Ive never seen pictures of her in dark blue. Only in battleship gray, and some camouflage patterns. Got any pictures?
Just a little more eye candy... There will be a buid log with all of these, but I figured I would give you guys a sneek peek. My CNC shipped today so I should be able to start cutting wood in the next few weeks
Thanks! As soon as I am done with the CAD drafts I will start the build log. The CNC will be here tomorrow, and be built by this weekend. Unfortunately it only has about 12"x12" working area, so I will have to do some fancy trickery on the longer pieces like the keel. I think I still need to work on the bow. I think the tear-drop looks a bit too big. What you cant see in the picture is the double keel and 2" water channel starting at Rib 10. Everything is notched and interlocked, so I am hoping for a solid construction.
Well, since you asked. This was taken about 30 min ago: Next step, print out the ribs to make sure they are correct before anything gets cut.
Well that would have been today but the ice storm knocked out the power since about 7:45 this morning. I am still trying to get the hang of SolidCAM and trying to import it to my post processor to run the G-code.