Don't worry!!! We are all family men and have responsibilities. a group of guys that like a little fun/change
Looking forward to seeing everybody at serenac I will try not to laugh as much in the videos next time
Sorry Will, I Didnt say: Thank You for the Quick Fix On the Pix. Looks like a great time had by all(I am SOOOO Jealous.)
Sad face can't get the day off sorry but unless it goes till after eight can't justify the drive damn responsibilities
I am not the finder of these just the lucky user, I got mine from Mark Roe, (Thanks again Mark). They are "Fabco Air" branded I am using them in the VDT due to getting an idiot sales rep at US Plastics.
This picture was taken about 1.5 hours ahead of a TORNADO!! OF COURSE WE BATTLED !!! before the picture
L-R Kas, my daughter Joelle,me, "Kenny"Ken, "Panzer"Craig, Mark Roe, Kas son Chris, "Capt.Obvious"Adam and kids