Just mail them. That will save you the frustration of trying to put them into the side of my ship. heh.
I'm bringing the Aoba, so good luck hitting her. Of course, I don't carry enough ammo to sink you either...
Looks like rain for Saturday, of course this can change in the next few days. Bring your ponchos and bags for the transmitters. At least it will be around 83 degrees.
Friday afternoon around 3 to 5PM. Saturday morning people show up around 7:30 - 8:00AM, but the battle probably won't get started till 9AM. I have to work this weekend, but I'm going to try and come visit saturday afternoon after I get some sleep in the morning... Probably show up right after lunch. I plan on bringing a hull or two, and some small stuff like a pump and some turrets. If it's raining, I may not bring too much (no camper shell for the truck yet).
Yeah, the unfortunate side effect of being 'indispensable' is that I am, in fact, indispensable. They only have two night monitor techs for the ICU, and the other one isn't interested in picking up extra shifts. My boss mentioned a switch to a better schedule, so it hopefully will improve later. Brian K and I aren't going to make Nats (Pete D is taking the 'Early bird' Kent hull up for me), so we may organize a small battle here during that time frame if you'll be around.
Nats is a no go for me, but I am not sure If I can even have time off around then. Clark will you and Brain keep us apprised of what may go on for us non-nat attending battlers.
Excellent Zach. Should be a good battle, even (especially) if it rains. At a Nationals in Florida, we battled as a hurricane was approaching. Very cool, lots of rain! Not so cool for the big convoy ships lol But definately come out with your parents so they can see what it's like.
Well it is official. I will have a guest with me. My dad will be along to see this fun hobby of ours and who knows before the end of the weekend we may have yet another target in the works.
Fantastic! I'm planning to wake up early and come down for an hour or 2 before I have to go to work. Hopefully it won't be raining so I can get some good pictures!
yes my dad will to and i must say it my name is spelled zack i have this thing where i love to spell it that way. and mike is being asome and letting me use a ship of his wasnt exspecting that one lol