we will be counting any hit in penetrable area,otherwise the secondarys and destroyer guns would be worthless.
Not planning on sinking much or counting sink points? From an outside perspective here, our local group, which plays fast-gun, nominally IRCWCC, doesn't count _any_ holes. We think it is a needless hassle (though we do eagerly look over our victims and point at all the holes). We base our points purely off of sinks and cargo runs. Greys and water-lines contribute to sinks, even if they're not what start the process.
Well since scoring rules are not yet set for Battlestations, the club officers came up with something to try for the first battle of the event. Personally I would prefer to go with sink and convoy points only as I have a strong distaste for hole counting, but with the increased size of the ships, no one is really sure if sinks are going to be common enough to score points. However if a ship does sink, then tonnage = sink points, at least for that first battle. The point to my original post was to inform everyone of one of the scoring methods we are going to try out in September, not a declaration of how scoring WILL BE DONE for the entire format. The only scoring posted in the rules are ram penalties, and since we have a battle in less than 4 weeks, we need something, if even on a temporary basis. If sinks are a common as in 1/144 scale big gun, my suggestion would be to go with BGWCI scoring rules, but that is only my suggestion and sinks might be as rare as people think, so it may not work out. I also think we should go with Dynamic Similitude Speed at 63.1% like Big Gun or 50.8% adjusted for scale, but everyone voted and 33knots=33seconds won, so that is what it is. Honestly, I despise rules discussions, but they are the necessary evil of the hobby. (OK, that and resheeting. I hate resheeting.)
Any size internal armour you want, so long as it isn't blocking bb's from going through the balsa on the outside of the hull. And you can find the pump capacity in section D. PUMPS. At the bottom for convoy ships.
Thanks Chase, I looked through the Rules, But there are two Weights and I'm not sure witch one to use: 4,087 long tons (4,153 t) light or 7,080 long tons (7,194 t) full! Nikki
Hull armor would be 1/32, but yes, internal armor can be anything that fits. As fas as pump capacity, you can use the full displacement to look uo the allowed pump capacity in the table.
I would like to propose re-wording Section A 9 from 9. The paint scheme should be one of the wartime paint schemes used by the country of the ship modeled.. If unknown, then paint above the waterline battleship grey, below the waterline red, and black for the waterline. to 9. The paint scheme should be one of the peacetime or wartime paint schemes used by the country of the ship modeled.. If unknown, then paint above the waterline battleship grey, below the waterline red, and black for the waterline. In the case of black hulls, the waterline must be clearly denoted by either a change of material (i.e. tape) or contrasting color. This would allow for some of the prettier turn of the century paint schemes, while still allowing for camouflage or Dazzle-type finishes. I was re-reading the rules before finishing my monitor build to quadruple-check for compliance and noticed this. I can re-paint above the waterline to grey easily enough, but would prefer not to.