I've been out of the game for a while and looking for the best set of plans for a 1941 HMS Repulse build. Who carries the best 1/144 scale plans. How are Profile Morskie plans? Is Taubman plans still around? Is there anyone else that carries 1/144 scale ship plans for our game that I should look at. THANKS!
Probably not completely helpful: Tauban’s Plan Service (taubmansonlie.com) is still online and lists 1:144 plans for Renown but not Repulse, no time period noted. Taubman’s also carries , but Dave’s Dry Dock (davesdrydock) is a seller on eBay that carries a lot of plans that are useful but have to be rescaled to 1:144. They currently have post-rebuild plans for Renown listed. Windjammer Arts (windjammer-arts.com) carries Ed Wiswesser plans and states they will resize. They list Renown and Repulse in the same listing, implying the 1916ish arrangements rather than post-rebuild versions.
This might help you. But you would need to scale it up a bit. It has the crossections and a great plan and profiles view and a breakdown of the as completed superstructure. https://www.ebay.com/p/4721909?iid=184413157019
Thank you I'll use them, but I was a little concerned about Dave's dry dock on eBay. Been using him for years, then all of a sudden he disappears. I hope he doesn't have covid.