View: I could look harder and find more, but for torps this is fine
Or here for ammo:
When I was actively battling with the WWCC, I would usually get a bag of 5,000 or 10,000 per year. This would cover combat use, testing use, and the occasional accidental spillage. Or you could do the math. 6 battles per year X 4 sorties per battle X 15min per sortie X 10 volleys per minute X 9 rounds per volley = 32,400 rounds from an average battleship firing at maximum ROF in every single sortie of every single battle for the entire year. On second thought, don't do the math. that number is ridiculous.
I found links on amazon for 1/4'', 3/16'' and normal bbs. The 3/16th ones aren't that good of a deal. Where do I get 7/32 bbs and (if possible) a better deal for 3/16ths.