I do believe that I corresponded with Bob in the past. I shall send out some emails and see what happens. At worse, I can continue to build my own hull from scratch.
The Ralph hull has the curve as does the plans I have. It made putting a bow gun on my Tirpitz tricky.
I think that I did not make my concern clear. The photo of the BC, there is an angle in the hull wall. Every print that I have seen of this ship, displays the hull wall as a graceful curve from bow to stern. looking at the graphics below, displays the difference that I am talking about. The angle would give the ship an unfair advantage in displacement. and make it very easy to install that forward turret.
Would it amount to much in 144 scale. I don't think it would give any real advantage or if it does the hull would not fit under the 10% rule most formats use for hull variance.
Gentlemen, The BC Bismark was Drawn in Cad useing a combonation of prints .No two prints are alike. Even Buildersprints are different from each other. It depends on the draftsmen, 40 or more years ago, and how many times they have been copied and when. You must relie on the Diamensions more than the shape of some print, when makeing a hull plug The plug was cut useing a CNC Router. It easily meets the golden 2% rule. Also remeber that fiberglass hulls flex and bend till backed up. I think this is what some one is seeing. Even on the real ships no two hulls are exactly the same. I would not expect Ralphs hull or Swampys hull to match BCs. Not wrong, just different peoples interpretations of the ship. Thank you RonH
Nope. One is from Swampwork's the other is from Ralph Cole. I saw the BC hull . The overhead shot is giving you a false impression of the armor knuckles. In my opinioin the BC hull looks great. i I wanted to give you some comparisons with the BC hull to help your decision making.The bow and lines look right. I have 3 different plans of the Bismarck/ Tirpitz and if I was to build each model from each of these plans I would have 3 Bismarck models with slight differences in them. I have seen well over 100 different Bismarck hulls and the one thing I learned was that there is no exact correct one out there. Each was built according to the reference and plan used. The BC hull is another great addtion and if I deciide to retire my old one and use another for Combat or for a scale RC runner I would not hesitate to get the BC Bismarck hull. These were just some examples of how 2 hulls made from 2 different plans would come out. I think Swampy's may have come from Goff plans which are semi scale and generic but suitable for strictly RC combat and Ralph used Anatomy of Ship Series Plans from the book to make his version of the Great ship. Honestly 99% of the people out there really don't know the difference between an accurate hull and a one off or semi scale hull. Your decision will be easier if you keep in mind what your intention is with your model. These combat models will have modifications to them to make them practical for RC and particularly RC combat. Hope this helps you.