The Germans must of been having a bad day back then. You know,the British could have lost another ship due to the hunt. Poor little Sheffield, almost got blown up by her own people. Beaver
guys, yes, I'll own up to this (I don't recall a lot about this battle, except that I think that the Bismarck was sabotaged at the launching pad while being launched, and sank. But Roland was able to quickly get the big guy back out in time for the start of the battle, and then at some point in this battle allowed the sabotour who's name will not be mentioned to captain the ship.) What happened was, i asked Roland before the battle even got start if i can Take him out so i can see if i can handle him, if i got her down the road! Well be being stupid, I got a bit to close to the moss patch, over by were the dock was and i was about to get out, but not before i moss on the Prop, and if i had the brains, i would have pined the cannons and picked him up and set him on my Lap to clean the moss off the props. O well, you live and learn from something like that! Nikki
Beaver, Yes Bismarck make it tho that battle, But one thing I remember more of all, I was the last ship off the warer, so I got in the water, and Sail him on to my Lap, as I was setting on the rocks!! Nikki
Im confused as to what happened. did you sink Bis on accident while on your lap or did the cannons shoot you or something else completely?
She lifted up the stern to clear the moss off the prop, and in doing so forced the bow under water, which quickly sent the Bismarck to a watery grave. I think she ment that if she had removed the boat from the water, she could have unmossed the prop without the inadvertent scuttle-effect.
Why no one got it on video is surprising!! and I felt so bad about it!! and I thing mikey Saw it!! and no one will let me live this down, will you.
Now that's better with the superstructure facing the right direction.. unfortuntatly it looks like straight to the bottom!!
nice shots. That Bismarck should stop wearing his turret covers like jaunty hats though. This ain't big-gun.
Perhaps those scale 16" salvos dislodge the turret covers reminiscent of what happened in the Bismarcks final battle..
Matt, U got lucky in Bismarck Last battle!!! we need to flap it and add her old/little Sister in there Nikki
Nikki, Prinze Eugan would have just given the allies more points... In real life HMS Rodney was close enough to not mistake PE for Bismarck, there was alot more to the final battle than movies depict,that helped the two British Battleships. You can call it luck if it helps you sleep at night, but TWO Bismarcks where sunk that weekend, each by a British ship that is notoriously not the best to battle with... might be coincidental, might not be...
Matt, other then old Rodney and kgv, there wad heavy cruiserd Norfolk and Dotsetshire, you also had 7 DD's ad well. thing about it.. Nikki