Buckeye Battle Squadron

Discussion in 'General' started by specialist, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    I don't think that MWC insurance would have a problem with NAMBA (need to check), but does NAMBA have a problem with MWC insurance? It would be worth finding out if everyone could play with paying extra.
  2. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I'm afraid that they're two totally different insurance policies... We had a big debate about insurance in MWC about a year or 2 ago. They don't have problems with each other, but MWC's won't cover NAMBA members (unless they're paid MWC members, too), nor will NAMBA cover MWC, unless they're paid NAMBA members. Why the MWC still has its own insurance is:
    -We can keep this one as long as we keep it running, but we likely wouldn't be able to get it back on the same terms if we drop it (like if we tried NAMBA for a year, and wanted to revert back)
    -We have no guarantee that NAMBA won't drop the combat coverage somdeday, as battlers are a tiny fraction of NAMBA members and a vote could easily go against us if it came to that.
    -Some of the NAMBA safety regulations would prevent some things that battlers like to do (one biggie is showing off boats and such to the general public; No spectators(non-NAMBA members) are allowed in the pit area). At least 3 of the first 10 rules I don't see in practice at battles. A dedicated 'pit crew' (one required per boat)? Everyone going in the water wearing full-foot shoes? I understand that no one is coming to battles checking compliance, but if it came down to a court case, the insurance will leap on the first non-compliance issue and drop you. Ask your nearest lawyer :) (I did, over her favorite dinner) (happens all the time in insurance cases)

    These are the talking points I remember from the debate, which was quite intense. I have no interest in refighting anything here, I just posted the reasoning so people would know why we did it the way we did it.
  3. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    So it has been looked into before then.. Good.
    The cost of having both is small enough that it should be no problem.
  4. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Well don't forget that you can get the single event coverage for $10 or whatever, and before you go buying both insurances check and make sure they wont work together - remember, BBS does not have MWCI or IRCWCC "sanctioned" events. I believe our only policy on insurance is that you have it - not that you have to have a specific one. We just all get together and have a good time.
  5. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    HI Guys sorry I am late to the party here. Ok we do have some rules that are a little different then MWC Or Irwcc this is we belevied some ships were going way to fast . So Speed was reset back to basicaly the orginal rule set years ago. As fas as insurance we do use the NAMBA as Kenny stated we had invited some of the IRWCC guys and were told unless we use their rules and sancationed it as an IRWCC event they could not attend the battles? Ok here is what I would suggest to you, come down meet the guys and bring your ship! We are more about the fun and comradeship as well as the battleing, so if you bring your stuff and meet everyone and battle with us a little you can check it out and see what you think. We really dont do anything different other then the speeds . We are looking at adding some different things to the game to change it up a little and add some spice. One thing we are working on is a capture the flag type game useing aircraft carriers! We have one built and will have 2 building hopefully soon! Right now the battle site is set in Newark Ohio for the events but if some one has a good site and we have time enough we can move it. We are still waiting on members in Erie as to if they want to hold a battle up there.
  6. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    Reading through the NAMBA rules it sounds like anyone with NAMBA can battle anywhere as long as they follow that clubs rules, they really dont have much about combat boats in the rules.

    Buddy is your rule set and speed list posted anywhere online so we can take a peek and see what would need to be changed to be allowed to battle?
  7. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    I was looking though the Buckeye Battle Squadron rules that have been posted here:


    And it looks like ships class 4 and larger are required to be lighter. Are these 2005 rules still current?
    If so that could be a bit of an issue, as a lot of ships tend to run fat.

    The other differneces, seam to be fire boards, and pump motor RPM, and speed and units for some ships.
  8. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    Yeah after reading that I would have to totally refit my boats, that stinks, never mind then.
  9. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Hey guys,

    I'm trying to get them to write up a new rule set - I'll see if I can get Buddy or Mikey back on here to answer those questions about the other differences.
  10. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    Hi Guys
    Ok now lets see if I can answer some more. First yes we did away with allowing some of the heavy weight now I will give you an example. When one of our members bought a Invinceable hull and built it to the MWC rules and allowed weight ,when he went for spreed trials in the 100 ft the ship had water running over the deck and around his barbet, he didnt even make the 100 ft it was diving like a sub! Now it was not bow heavy and actually was a little stern heavy. He tried different things and finally went back to what would have been scale weight and the ship ran fine. We also had a member build the big schanrhost and he tried to go the heavy model weight and ran into problems also , he said it was not worht it.We had this talk a long time and finally agreed that alowing heavy model weight for the small ships actually hurt them in the BCs rather them helped, because people tried to make them fat at the start. Now we said in our rules for pumps stock motors like you bought from battlers, reason being people were useing a high rpm stinger and going over the then allowed pumpage! So what ever motor you used on your drives the pump motor could not be bigger or a modifed motor.Ok Fireing boards this has been fixed also. The first time we ran into these a guy had them so all he had to do was hold his finger down and the guns would keep fireing like a gatling gun!!It would fire faster then you could possiable move a stick!! So we do allow them but they have to be where you can not fire them any faster then you could move a stick, so this was done to close a loop hole that I dont see closed yet in the other groups.I hate to say there has been some changes that have not been updated in those rule yet. I can say this we will allow you to come battle and have fun with out making you do a bunch of changes right away. Like I said you will find that the speed is the biggest one, alot of the others if they are small we have a gentlemans agreement with the captain to not take a big advantage over the rest.
  11. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    Hey here is what we have done befor ,come as you are! Ok you dont have to go by the weight, as far as speed the small changes we made only really effects like the Yamatos,North Carolinas(these are 26 sec) and cruisers are 24 sec and 23 sec.I need to set down with the guy who runs our web site and fix the things back. Basically we tried a few things such as 1 sec intrevals and they didnt pan out so we went back to the 2 sec intervals ,there was just some ships that got 24 sec we felt that didnt deserve it.But really if you want to come down and battle with us ask the Aue Brothers or the others from Mich. group and Rob Stalnaker is coming up to battle we are really not that bad.
  12. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    My I-boat is built to the scale waterline, and it does fine. I can get water over the back deck in reverse. She's not at the max weight, but that's not the standard to build a scale warship to :)
  13. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    What we suggest to people building their first ship is to build as light as they can.I found it to be easier to add a little more battery power for weight rather then trying to figure out what to cut out or take out to get under the weight limit.I can not figure out some people think they have to get their ships to the max weight,like it give them some advantage or some thing.
  14. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    I would like to battle with you guys, but I am not clear yet on what the rules are.

    I have a battleship that is about 30 lbs, and around 1 lb over the scale weight.
    So that makes it about 3% heavy, which would not be legal if required to be no more than scale.
    It floats low, but no so bad. I think the hull has some non-scale volume in it. (what can I say about that?)
    This ship does not have any "extra" weight. No lead balast. To get weight out, I would have to get new batteries, or something similar.

    This ship also has the TD fire boards, which seam to pretty much become the standard system of gun fire. So if I push a botton, it fires a bb, but only 1.
    While I can push the button pretty fast, the system is not full auto, and I have to push that botton for every bb.

    Speeds are pretty easy to change. Likewise pump motors.
    Weight is hardest to change. Then fire boards. (for me anyway)

    I just need to know what I need to do to make it right.
    I would not want to be playing to different rules than everyone else.
  15. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Well, Buddy might have an answer. If not, what we usually do is just let you come battle with us and ask you to try and be fair (sounds like your guns are fine, but I'm not positive). For instance, as Buddy mentioned we've played with full auto people before and we just ask them to fire, wait a second, fire, wait a second, fire.... to try and keep the firing speed even with ours.
  16. djranier

    djranier Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    The reason people build to Max weight is to get the boat sitting as low in the water as possible. I look at the MWC NC's with their armour belt, just below the sub deck, and sitting so low in the water, its no wonder they are so hard to sink.

    Then you look at the MWC rules, and you wonder where the scale weight numbers come from. Some ships, the America treaty boats at 35,000 tons, are weighed down quite alot, over other ships in the same weight class. Is this the same for all the rule sets, or just MWC?

    Example, the NC at 35K weights 1 pound more scale weight, than the Littorio at 40.5K tons. And when you look at the pictures, no way did she sit as low in the water as the MWC scale models.
  17. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I know exactly why people build to the heavy model weight. I just don't choose to go that way because it looks messed up for an NC to be running nearly decks awash. Listen to the screams of the competitive people during the next silly season when I propose a rule change requiring ships to run within 1/4" of scale waterline :)
  18. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS

    Seems sensible to me. Anything to cut down on the NC profusion.
  19. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    You need to find a picture of the ship at max load, not a picture of the memorial battleships, with no ammo, fuel, water, or equipment.

    The weights in the ship list are from official data (for the US battleships) and if the hull is built reasonable scale, it will float at a scale water line. They really did take those ships to sea in that condition. The extra 10% allowed by the rules usaly amounts to about 1/4" waterline change. Check the numbers and do the math. The battleship books by Garzke and Dulin will have all the data you need. So you don't have to dig though the archives yourself.

  20. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    Which water line?
    The ships had different waterlines with different displacements.