Can the MWC rise again? [Past sell-by date]

Discussion in 'MWC (defunct)' started by McSpuds, May 15, 2015.

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  1. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    I wonder if there is just no interest out there to keep the old MWC group together? The membership base is there! The old rules ect can be easily modified to establish the new club! So why no effort?

    I would have thought that by now somebody would have came out and said "Ok folks, we had to dissolve the MWC because the charter for it's non-profit was set up wrong and the tax man is coming...." or whatever "Here is the proposal for the new name, and here is the date, location, and time for a meeting to determine where we can go from here."

    But nope, nada, nothing but thin air....

    I personally dont want to see the end of the MWC as far as everybody just letting the club drop.

    I would like to see if we have any support out there for getting the non-profit set back up and running, so if you would like to see the MWC group back together, via new name or old one if possible, say so here please.
    the_underdog likes this.
  2. Lou

    Lou Plastic magic -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    What would be gained? There was a big push to join back with IRCWCC, now we have it.
    Panzer, Tugboat and absolutek like this.
  3. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Having two clubs has had it's advantages in the past..... there is a lot to be gained by having the MWC rebooted...

    Completely joining the two clubs is a bigger issue than just saying "Hey guys, now that the MWC is gone, you can battle with us". As a matter of fact, I doubt very seriously that the main body of the IRCWCC even wants to call it a merge of the clubs.

    Let me ask this...

    Would the IRCWCC be willing to hold a NATS in a place farther out west like in Texas or farther out? I am not sure but I do know for sure that they have been used to holding NATS in the Northeast. With a large increase in members from other regions is the IRCWCC prepared to hold a NATS out farther, and what percentage of members in the NE would travel that far out?

    How comfortable is the IRCWCC in opening up it's ranks to let other regions farther out being able to join the BOD?

    What I am trying to get across is there is more to this than just saying bring your boats over to my house and let's play.

    When we had two main clubs, we had the advantage of being able to attend a NATS that was somewhat closer. Example: IRCWCC held NATS in Maryland and the MWC held theirs in Minnesota. At that time you had a choice of closer locations. I am worried that the lack of choice in locations, thus forcing members to long travel times to get to NATS will isolate those in the West. By having the MWC or similar club holding NATS as well, it will provide those who can not get to the East coast a chance to attend NATS.

    The MWC was not some big bad club that had to go away, and it did not effect the IRCWCC in any way. A lot of us joined both clubs... and yes if the clubs where to join together that would be great, but I dont see it working out that way right now. What I see is a lot of members not in the east or north east of the country being left out unless the IRCWCC makes a big, public move, to expand itself to cover more that the local clubs out east. What I mean by that is, we need to be more active in getting the regions set up within the IRCWCC. Is there a push to get all the local MWC clubs integrated into the IRCWCC? If not, then maybe it would be easier to reboot the MWC.
    the_underdog likes this.
  4. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Ignoring a lot of questions - I think it will take more than this year to see how the reunification will fare, but if some concept of a replacement national organization were to form, I think you would need to go find a new name since all the MWC domain names are now effectively squatted by one individual, or figure out how to work out something with them.

    Edit: just re-read your initial post and noted you already noted a need for a new name.
    the_underdog likes this.
  5. irnuke

    irnuke -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 1, 2011
    York, SC
    Not a reboot of MWC. But perhaps an "IRC West Conference" and "IRC East Conference" - like the merger of the American Football league & National Football League to form the modern NFL

    1. IRC-West could hold a "NATS" that would be more likely to be attended by Cali / Colorado / Washington State / etc than something in Maryland, NY, or NC. Change it from "NATS" to "IRC-W Challenge" and "IRC-E Challenge".

    2. IRC has been the "Northeast club", with minimal membership from outside it's core area since the original split. The sudden influx of members from other parts of the country jeopardizes that "exclusive club" feel and thereby may find some resistance from the original members to the new guys, new ideas, etc. Splitting to E/W (so long as the rules set remains intact!!) would ease that transition.

    the_underdog likes this.
  6. Lou

    Lou Plastic magic -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    There are ex members of the MWC that do not care to see other ex-members of the MWC. Personality issues usually means some of these guys will never go to a NATS, no matter what (as the other person is also likely to join a new club as well).
    "Think globally, act Locally"- grow your local region so that your battles become the destination for other captains.
  7. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    I think that having two NATS, a east and a west has some very good possibilities if the numbers can support it.

    Something to talk about during NATS this year for sure..
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  8. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    I had a dream... and that dream is realized. I and others had hoped for a merger to increase the numbers of active, battle-participating members above 100 overall so that we could realistically have a 60 ship nationals. While the idea of two Nats is nice.. I would rather go to 1 larger Nats than split it up and attend a 'half-sized' Nats. Besides the work for a small group is almost as much as for a big group and all you have to do is travel a few extra hours instead of hosting a duplicate event.

    Personally I see no need for multiple National entities.. National means just that.. across the Nation.. How many hobby groups have 2 or 3 or 4 National organizations with less than 30 people.... I would imagine very, very few.

    We need to consolidate in order to coordinate efforts for recruiting, to increase attendance at events, reduce duplication of efforts, and to streamline rule-sets so that ships will be compatible at any event.

    As far as travel to Nats.. Due to the lack of western members it seemed the IRC never had to consider a western / Southwestern Nationals.. due to interest. I am not sure how it came about but it seems with so many guys in the Florida/GA/NC area participating the Nats went to NC in 2012 and I believe it had good attendance. Now that new members have joined and become full members in the club interest in Nats in the Southwest is of course going to increase.

    My friends and I in Texas (that typically go to Nats) are committed to traveling to Nats each year, we hope to be able to host it soon, but if the votes go to a different site.. we will travel there. For obvious reasons if we don't have enough members to have the majority vote for a Nats in our area... then it shouldn't be out there anyway. Once enough people are interested to vote for the Nats to be held in the West/SW then it will happen. Then the members that have to drive 20 hrs (like we would if we go to Maryland or NY) will have to decide on attending Nats, electing Officers, voting on rules to make the ballot, and having a great week of FUN.... or staying home.

    Atlanta seems to be the halfway point between Texas (Houston 12hrs, Dallas 12hrs), Minn (17) Saranac MI (13) Hagerstown (10) and NY (Carl's 15hrs). The NC Nats adds 4hrs to Texas and others.. and subtracts from the Eastern travelers. A good idea might be to rotate east/west/central or something like that... I dunno.. Its up to the voters.

    FYI Hagerstown to Houston 21HR, Dallas to Hagerstown 21hrs, Minn to Hagerstown 16hrs, Oakboro NC to Houston 16hrs...

    And to add support to VV's answer... a sizable group of former MWC members will never return to any re-boot of that group.. ever...


    I say throw your support behind the current system - 1 Nation.. 1 Org... 1 Nats... the way it should be. Regionals and local battles can fill any voids in the meantime.
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
  9. ProfessorChaos

    ProfessorChaos Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Centerton, AR
    I miss the Atlanta pond. It was where they totally failed to sink my rookie Yamato. Great venue. Almost as nice as Houston.
  10. ProfessorChaos

    ProfessorChaos Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Centerton, AR
    One large club is much healthier than two or more smaller clubs with diverging rulesets. A single ruleset mean that anyone can play anywhere.

    Other than the ability to have two "national" events, what advantages do you see?

    As far as the IRCWCC E-Board goes, the members of the club elect the E-Board. There are no "regions". The officers are elected by direct vote. None of the shenanigans pulled by the MWC BOD in its final days are possible under the IRCWCC governing process. The memberships actually gets a say.
  11. warspiteIRC

    warspiteIRC RIP

    Aug 17, 2008
    Annapolis, MD
    Also anyone can put in to hold Nationals and the location is decided on the ballot. So Western locations stand as good a chance as Eastern locations. Myself, I would prefer a more central location as we gain members from out west. We have been running a very democratic and open club for many years.

  12. jch72

    jch72 Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
    Back before the MWC started there was no problem having Nationals in different locations around the country, even though some individuals later claimed this was so. There was little activity up Minnesota back then and practically none west of Texas. I do not plan to host two Nationals in a row in North Carolina unless there is overwhelming support for it, and a need, but for the east coast I believe it is the best site we have found to date. Really the Site Host job is not too bad when people pitch in and help with the planning and execution like they do in the IRCWCC.

    Nationals locations from the time I started until the MWC formed almost exactly matched the geographic distribution of the club membership:
    1989 - Knoxville, TN
    1990 - Annapolis, MD
    1991 - Annapolis, MD
    1992 - Orlando, FL
    1993 - Houston, TX
    1994 - Springfield, MO
    1995 - Houston, TX
    1996 - Houston, TX
    1997 - Greenbrier, MD
    1998 - Greenbrier, MD
    1999 - Lake Junaluska, NC
    ProfessorChaos likes this.
  13. ProfessorChaos

    ProfessorChaos Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Centerton, AR
    Exactly. Nats happens where the people, all the people, want to go. While the PTSD from surviving MWC may make you fear you are at the mercy of an oligarchy, in IRC the club members decide.
  14. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    I have no fear as I will drive to Alaska if I need to....

    I was just concerned about all our friends on the West Coast. I know the IRC will hold NATS wherever. My main worry is if the West coast folks will drive to MD or NC for a NATS.

    I rather enjoy battling with IRC and have always been that way, but I guess I am still a shocked over the "Sudden" disbanding of the MWC, and more so, the lack of any visible effort to keep it going.

    I guess it was time for it to die....
    ProfessorChaos likes this.
  15. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    What a glorious notion... the members get to decide on something... not rules related... its pure Heaven! And its not a secrete process!!!!
  16. jadfer

    jadfer Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Houston, TX
    'Hit the nail on the head'..... it was bad.. real bad... Life is good now.
  17. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    now, now.... LOL, this thread wasn't to beat up on anything... just a sad goodbye I guess....
  18. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    LOL, we love it when Steve volunteers to do it all.....:p
  19. ProfessorChaos

    ProfessorChaos Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Centerton, AR
    Any good ponds in Kentuky? :)
    jch72 likes this.
  20. jch72

    jch72 Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
    I think he took the year off o_O
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