Damage shots? Here is Steve's Nagato after a particularly good intense sortie against Bismarck/PE/Mushashi.... There are some good sized holes happening!
Although he was pumping hard a few times... Steve NEVER sank.... Mushashi, Bismarck and PE had that distinction out of the seven battles! Speaking of which.... she looks great Paul!
Why Jack the monkey? Let's just say.... we went to have a great time .... As with naval tradition, the battlewagons in the days of sail had figure heads or mascots for good luck or ship recognition..... Here is our tribute Warspite has Chewbacca Bismarck ... Han Solo and Tirpitz has Master Yoda... Poking fun .... maybe .... pure silliness... maybe.... what a great time!
Star Wars theme for sure..... will post some more.... have to get Curt to the airport and have homework to do.... will report back when I can! Enjoy! I will have some NEW videos for youtube in the coming weeks as well... watch for them!
BTW.... all the "figure heads" were secured with ca or in the case of the man, yoda, wire. They all survived the weekend... even Jack the monkey.
Yes the figures all survived without even the least amount of damage and master Yoda also carried NC's old pirate flag into battle.
...and I missed it all!!!!!! *gnashes teeth* I must say, Yoda looks so helpless tied to the SS, my roommmate and I spent a good 5 minutes laughing...and then another 5 giggling as I tried to explain what would drive you guys to strap Yoda onto an otherwise historical accurate(ish) model. Can't wait until the army posts him somewhere near crazy fools with boats, The fuzzy (at heart) one
Well..... Fred is near the big base here..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm that would be toooooo cool Breck. You up for another movie? Great to see you are still alive fuzzied at heart one. There are more pics for you to chuckle at... not much damage, as most of the ships stayed afloat. Paul, Osborne and myself sank. Chris twice... vinny and mushy. It was gooood! Wish you and cumbie coulda been there.
Hey fuzzy hope you get posted to Gagetown that would be cool and yoda was too cool not to mention han and chewie.
The cumbie is indeed still in my evil clutches, unfortunately it's at a shelf in my room/parents storage room at home, and I'm in Ontario for an edumacation...have to get that degree before the army posts me anywhere. Gagetown is likely for the summer though, I have to do a summer of training and the course is offered there. Where'd you end up Capt. Sparrow, are you in Truro? The dark side of the moon? Still in Halifax?