Well, you cant have everything. Imagine if you were buying something in Euros, you'd be losing even more.
Once the markets stop taking massive mood swings then I might look at ordering. I am hoping the dollar recovers soon.
We have been hearing the us dollar is about to take a dive, the drop in the canadian dollar is not surprising due to the federal election. This always happens around elections and it will work itself out shortly.
I have the order. It came with one 550 motor with the gears to run two shafts, wire, rudder, rudder post, props,switches for throttle, shafts, struts and universals
Well Will, he does have like three jobs.... Wedding anniversaries and things like that.... so it is rough on him...
Actually I am down to the 1 job. however working the weekend sort of sucks. I couldn't even get to the battle on Sunday. Of course I also work some OT so I promise pics will be posted Wednesday (it is my day off).
Sounds good Paul. Please take a moment to read the serious thread about the pickle I'm in. Thanks buddy.
For the big items I am going to hold off till the new year and see how the dollar holds up. Heck I can remember when I ordered Bismarck adn the dollar at the time was 65 cents and we were in a recession. Adm Stokomoto