Alright. Too bad your phone started to die, I am very thankful for all your answers, I think, we'll chat again on the phone if that's alright with you! Great interview btw! Alright, have sent emails to Marty and Bob with questions and am waiting on Justin to see if he wants a phone call too or an email. Let me know Justin! Craig
The article came up clear on GF's pc Craig. Let me know what areas your having issues with and I can type them for you here or send them your email or I can call you. ADM Stokomoto
Craig, As I mentioned in my email to you about RCNC history, I was in contact with hobby founders Poindexter and Fleugel after I joined the original RCNC club in 1984. Communication with Fleugel was via tape casettes and I kept his for years. Unfortunately they weren't high quality to start with and became basically noise after a couple of decades in storage. Fleugel's tapes had loud German martial music for the intro and were very enthusiastic and entertaining! I wonder if he's still active in RCNC? Bob
[][] [] [] I still have those cassette tapes. Boy funny stuff now. Fluegel in his car driving and explaining how to build a combat ship. This was before Swampworks was created. How far this hobby has ADM STOKOMOTO
Geez. from audio casettes to you tube videos. there seems to have been some improvement. Hmmm maybe there should be a tv shows called "Boat Improvement". Starring Curt "the boatman" Stokes [][8D][][:0]
Thanks for the resend Curt. I took the night off last night, sorry I missed your call. For those following, I have a 93% average so far, over two tests and two essays....
Ok. Presentation finished today.... I really should have taped it .... it was awesome!!! So many questions... I had to cut it off.... I ran 13 minutes over my time.... whoops! Who knew? Essay handed in as well. More to follow.
Good job Craig, and good luck with the grading. maybe we need more of these public forum type things to ramp up some interest.