Change of plans. My dad's making me scratch-build it. Therefore, i'm Gona tryand build the U.S.S. Arazona. I have the wood I need, and in a few months I'll have enough for everything else I need for it.
The ArIzona is a good ship. If you get hung up on something, don't be afraid to ask in the forums, there are a lot of guys on here (And a few ladies) with a lot of know-how that you should take advantage of. Good luck, I hope Pommern can come battle Arizona someday!
The Arizona is a nice ship. Medium speed, fairly beamy, and a solid 5.5 units in MWC. If you have more time than cash to invest in a ship, then scratch building is the way to go. Some people scratch build because a fiberglass hull is not available or they like building a ship from scratch. Sometimes it is both. Heh. There are a few threads in the Warship Builds section of the forums featuring scratch built ships. Most will show the steps for scratch building a ship. They are worth looking at. Good luck with the build! The people on the forum here be happy to offer advice and help.
Thanks, if i'm lucky, i can get $80-$100 a month to spend on the ship,(i don't have much else to spend money on). so after i get the little bit of wood i don't have, and the plans, i'll get started. does anyone know where i can buy a 1/144 arizona plan.
Try the Taubman's Plans section at Loyalhannah Dockyards. Look under the RC combat plans series. I don't know if Strike Models has the Arizona/Pennsylvania plans, but they are a good source for battling goodies.
Strike does, but when I talked to Stephen about them a few months back it sounded like the accuracy was questionable. I'm not sure if thats something he has resolved yet or not.
k, thanks. i'll try loyalhannah first, and strike models if that doesn't work out. also, i forgot what units mean. it's been a while since i heard what it is. could someone tell me.
I don't know. I've never seen them and Stephen's comment on them during our email discussion was "I just checked the Pennsylvania (reconstructed) plans. They have 9 sets of hull sections, but there is a note: "This drawing is Semi-Scale, please check other references for corect details." It doesn't sound promising." Now, that was asking about the reconstructed plan set, which I believe would have reflected their configuration at Pearl Harbor, if you're looking for as-built plans, he has another listing that potentially does not have the same problems, but I didn't inquire about those at the time. If you were interested in them, I'd say contact Stephen for more details, he's always been very responsive on questions about products.
We do construct semi-scale. They don't have the detail that a properly scaled model would have. I think the Pennsylvania reconstructed is probably her late war fit.
Hrm, you have a point. I took it to mean relative scale and dimensions may not be correct, not that it was missing detail, but I didn't follow up on it at all.
Paypal is a very good way to make payment. Accepted only slightly less frequently than bags of rabid weasels
i might get everything else i need to build the hull today. i have good luck. i got $2400 of stuff for $600,(my parents payed for it)
Ah, very nice. AND you didn't have to find a shipper for the bags of rabid weasels! UPS and Fred-Ex are notoriously biased against that most common form of exchange.
I'll build the German predread. I'm Gona use the rest of my money to buy exercise equipment, lord knows I need it.