Is it that spurt cannons fire multiple rounds per trigger or empty the entire mag in a single run? wondering as I am going to be building one for the Shimakaze now and build methods change depending on which it is. If you can have the gun empty the entire tube in one run can you split a single unit into 2 provided that the ship had twin guns in said point?(space providing and whatnot). never mind reread the rules and both seem to be true. so i go into how do you make it so that your cannons regularly spurt 4-5 bb per trigger instead of 1 or is it best to just have it like a 2 bore shotgun at 10 bb's each?
Spurts have no interrupter in them at all. Picture a breech directly on the end of a magazine. They drop all their shots in one burst. They are very short range and you get one shot. When they get on target you get dime to nickel size holes. When you miss you get a big splash. I've got one on my Akitzuki class and on my little Swedish cruiser.
Fylgia. I have it set up with a spurt in the bow and a 50-round stern gun. Doesn't have enough weight/space to carry a bottle for 2 50 round guns, and it should make it interesting to try and get on target.