Close to the Bluegrass

Discussion in 'Independents' started by U.S.S. Arazona, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. U.S.S. Arazona

    U.S.S. Arazona Active Member

    Jul 2, 2010
    I was wondering what some groups near Kentucky were, I think MNCC is the closest, but I just want to make sure. I'm trying Tugboat's Edgar Quinet build and I'd like to know which rulesets are around me.
  2. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Where at in Kentucky? I am in Louisville, maybe we can get together.
  3. Kun2112

    Kun2112 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    MNCC's membership is heaviest in SW Ohio around the Dayton/Cinci MSA. There are also BBS members in that area. Both clubs battle Treaty. MNCC 's regular battle sites are near Dayton (Xenia & Versailles), and has about one per year near Cleveland. BBS regularly battles in Newark (near Columbus), Xenia, and have a new site in NE Indiana. Mikey Deskin and Matt Glassner, with MNCC, regularly host build sessions near Dayton. Eric Noble, BBS also hosts a few build sessions near Dayton. Buddy Friend, also BBS, hosts builds near Columbus. The main difference between MNCC and BBS is that MNCC is a dual-format club that also battles 96 scale big gun.

    MWC has occasional battles near Cleveland and in monthly battles in Michigan (that I know of), and has members in KY like Spudsy. It looks like he is closer to you.
    EDIT: in regards to rule-sets. If you build to MWC specs you are pretty much legal in Treaty. The differences are speed, pump capacity, and rate of fire. If you use an ESC, you can easily adjust speeds to Treaty if you have a radio with end-point adjustment. The only other differences are rate of fire at 2 per second in Treaty (just don't fire as often), and Treaty has pump flow rate restrictions vs outlet diamater restrictions, so you may need to adjust your pump voltage or restrict it further. Technically, Treaty requires near-scale shaft and rudder locations but that would't be an issue with the EQ's center shaft and ruder placement.
    Conversly, Treaty does not require penatrable casemates, but I don't know how casemate rules would affect the EQ, so there might not be any difference. MWC is also a little more restrictive in how you can allocate units (only 1 cannon with 1.5 units per ship) but it shouldn't matter with your current build.
    Apart from the casemate and unit allocation rules, any ship built to Treaty is MWC legal, but may not be as competative with the rudder/shaft position rule, and pump rate. Keep in mind, there is such a thing as having too much pump, as hits are scored in MWC and sometimes it is better to sink vs the point total of a ship still afloat with 50 belows... BTW, IRC and MWC are basically interchangable.
    All that said: if you show up for a local battle, and follow a few key rules (i.e. RoF for Treaty) most groups are just happy to have another boat on the water :)
  4. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Spot on..... if you need help just send me a PM. Since I am retired, I am always building when I am not in class.. Would luv to have another captain to swap tales with over a few beers at night... just no dremel tools while I drink! :blush:
  5. U.S.S. Arazona

    U.S.S. Arazona Active Member

    Jul 2, 2010
    Sorry, I've been busy with school for the past bit, I had to get out of the game for a while because we couldn't afford the gas to go to ohio all the time, i'd still like to participate, but it just has to wait a bit until we can afford the gas, ironically, at the end of the school year, we get to make our own carpentry projects, so I get free access to materials to build the hull and SS of whatever strikes my fancy at the time, 1/96 USS Ohio anyone?