Does anyone know of a place that will do CO2 fills? Ever since Banshee paintball went out of business i have not been able to get any CO2.
Air gas, cryo weld, or any fire extinguishing recharge out fit. Air gas requires a account with them, pia. But they are a national outfit.
are you looking for the 20lb or 50lb fill or small bottle fills? Does Dick's or Bass Pro fill the larger bottles? Its been a while since I filled at a paintball store but do they use siphon tube tanks when filling your bottle? Or just fill it with gas only?
Looking for small fills. I have a 20lb tank but that would need to be recertified. Also would need a fill station.
I used to go to a fire extinguisher place in Dartmouth . Dive shops may be able to fill them as well .
Paul, do you know what happened to the original NABS large CO2 tank, dolly and fill station? I think John C. was storing the former club stuff but have lost contact with him. Peter might still have the large tank he bought before he left the hobby. There are places locally that recertify tanks. At least one in Burnside.
Craig had the club stuff for a while but I think John collected it from him before Craig left NS several years back. There was a much larger tank (45 lb.?) with a dolly and the fill station.
I had gotten the 20lb tank from Craig but i dont think he had the fill station. I will likely get the tank checked if it is still servicablee i would consider looking for a fill station.
Hi guys have been off site for a while and just thought I would take a look in and see whats going on i text Jay about the tank a month or more ago. was looking to fill my bottles for the Mississippi to test her. I don't have the tank or fill but would pick it up and transport it to whoever wants to hold it. I now have a lot in a seasonal camp ground in Uniacke with a pond that is very suitable for battling in. I ran the bizmark there in the fall and no problems at all. The owner has a gate on the pond to raise and lower the level to suit whatever is going on at the time and it is easy access with a car.
That is sort of a pickle. I do got the 20lb tank but no fill station. When the virus threat has everyone closer to normal i will get it water tested to see if it is still viable.
I have no idea what happened to the large tank, its dolly, the fill station and the safety gear (hundreds of feet of rope and warning signs to keep spectators back from the shore). The tank is so old it would need re-certification if found. Don Brenton's is the fire extinguisher company I got CO2 refills from before the club bought the big tank but it was as expensive as Banshee Paintball. Brenton's is no longer in Burnside (moved to Lakeside I think). A large tank with fill station is the most economical way to have a CO2 supply; if I get one it will be a 20 pounder - much easier to transport and will fit in my midsize car. A 45 pound tank is too big!