Thanks for the tip regarding diodes. I have not had an issue with switches dying but adding them won't take much effort And I did not notice the holes for the yard, but on my boats features like that typically don't last very long. I find they are good at catching an elbow on the bench or bringing ship down to the pond, they also like to get snagged when moving to boat into/out of the car. They would look cool though
or, if it's my boat, they get shot off! aft flagpole on Texas lasted exactly one sortie. @Bob and I had a good chuckle about that and he gave me a good chunk of advice on having such things on a combat boat.
This boat made in into a few battles last weekend Overall boat did OK, I need to get used to the gun layout, also need to put some more time into most of the guns. Everything else worked as expected. Bad news on the superstructure, it took more damage than I expected. I thought it would hold up better. This is from three battles I worked on the other hull, almost done. Gluing aft deck magnets here Got the insides In and tested. Will need to play with three of the guns Superstructure is drying. Next up will be float test to finalize ballast, some painting and a few superficial things should be putting a bow on it next weekend, then move on to next build
I'm hoping I won't have hiccups due to a similar gun configuration in two weeks out in Minneapolis... Boat looks great though, even with the superstructure dings. What's the next build?
Yeah not sure on the SS. I did not expect it to shatter like that. I will work on the durability and print up replacement parts.
PETG suffered that? What thickness did you print - I'm planning on using that material for my superstructure; I will have to experiment with nylon (Taulman Alloy 910).
I see atleast three missing chunks. wall on left, deck in middle, wall on right. You stacked up 8-10perimeters on the walls to get 4mm thick I'm guessing?
Yes, 10 perimeters to get to 4mm thickness. Using Cura so I just tell it the thickness I want in mm, I don't play with line counts unless something goes wonky. Side walls are 4mm. The tops/bottoms are 2mm, the small deck overhang areas I don't recall the designed thickness.
Wrapping up hull 9 Also spent a good amount of time working on guns. The primary issue on some of them was that the supply hose tube lined up too well with the hole in the piston, and I think this was causing spurts. The needle there goes about halfway into the piston I built it this way intentionally, but swapping the hoses to the off center port looks like it fixed the issue. Just a couple small things left, but I’m ready to move on to the next build. I’ll get both boats on the pond shortly
Last time in the workshop together, coming soon to a pond near you 13 units of French fury (9 units at a time)
Hey @Kevin P. , with regard to your geared rudder system, what's the highest number of links you've put in the chains on your boats? I have a 98 link system in Texas, and am realizing that I'm going to have a 130+ link system in Idaho. I'm thinking I might have to build some tension pulleys....
I’ve never been much of a link counter, but the longest setup I have is in Seydlitz, about 6 1/4” center to center and it does fine. The specific distance between the servo and rudder post does matter, so I will typically draw a little tension on the chain before I drill holes for servo
Good idea. I just finished fabricating the rudder servo tray and will hold off on the hole-drilling for that until I get in the links. I have a fair amount of work on the drivetrain to do, so I'll stay busy.