@Mike and James - You guys are being silly! Who needs actual 'boats on the water battling' to have an RC naval combat club?!?!
I do plan on finally building a battlestations ship this year. It is in the planned building schedule for CY 2011. Heh.
James was kind enough to send me plans for USS Georgia BB-15. It's going to be a quickie one-off fiberglass hull.
I am thinking smaller than a BB. A cruiser of some flavour, perhaps French since their archives are just soooooo enticing.
That's good, but finding a WWI cruiser with guns powerful enough to penetrate the armor, while still passing the foam test, may be a challenge. Maybe a DD with torpedo tubes?
I expect they'd have to stack them a lot like logs, staggered offset by a half a barrel diameter so they lay compactly. Why do you ask? Hehehe! 3/16" diameter with a 4 second fire rate. What are you looking at that has 10" guns?
French DD Aigle would be fun with 5 BB cannons and 6 torpedo tubes... Clemson is eminently doable, Swift as well, and even V106 is possible...
Four options I can think of. 1) scale location 2) as close to scale location as possible, raised to within the penetrable window 3) at least 1/2" above waterline (like my club requires) 4) not counted
I'm leaning towards scale location, just like the above-water weapons... I don't intend to arm the below-water tubes on Georgia, as the superposed turrets will be enough of a challenge (no, I'm not using regular big-gun guns) for the first build. Maybe in a future overhaul, I have some ideas already, but as Mike said... better to be on the water first
Well I have pretty much ruled out the Breslau now. Only 2 tubes and tiny guns. What about the tubes which fire from above water, out of the ship's side? How much hard area, if any, should be allowed around the tubes. If they are armed of course. If not I see no reason to treat those locations as anything other than hull.