no i mean howd you get all of this --> 15652.173913043478260869565217391 convert to mph 2.96442688 miles / hour convert to knots 2.57601653 knots
1 knot = 2025.372yard/hour (1 nautical mile per hour) (also: 6076.1155feet/hour) 100ft/23sec * 60sec/min * 60min/hour *1/6076.1155feet = 2.576 knots Quickie conversion from knots to miles per hour is: knots*1.151 = mph so 2.576 knots*1.151 = 2.964mph
I was a math major, sorry. I guess I learned a bit of that "do step" then "this step" then *pooof* .... answer.
Wow, a math major? I'd always thought that was pure magic & wished I got along better with Calculus Very cool.
Don't get me wrong, I studied nuclear engineering in the Navy... I just wish I could understand the deep deep math stuff
You look at the deep deep math stuff enough & your realize its all just a bunch of crap. I believe there is a fundamental flaw with mathematics because it can "mathematically" contradict itself. Math is an "approximation" of nature, nothing more. It is as close as we can come to putting nature on a piece of paper & playing with it. Once you realize math is by nature incomplete and should be taken with a grain of disbelief; it stops being scary & daunting. For the record, my engineering degrees are what feeds me... not my math degree.
Anyway... Tug knows what he's saying, Des Monies is a better beginner ship. ( ive been told countless times... ) But personaly im a battleship fan
hehe, I always knew math was just a hokey religion [] I can't wait to tell my prof about this [] Agreed. Engineering departments use tastier ink []
HAHAHHHAA.... I would love to see his reaction & hear his response! Math people think they have a monopoly, they want people to think its confusing so they feel smarter. Kind of like computer repairmen. I bet his response would be something like "obviously he wasn't very good at it"... You can tell him I hold 4 degrees, Math, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.
better ship for beginners/better starter ship = 1 & better starter ship/better ship for beginners = 1