Dude, how much are you looking to spend? I don't want to discourage an interest in big gun, but it's a lot more expensive (especially starting from scratch) than fast gun. (for everyone else reading, I had a LOL moment while typing... I've been thinking in Battlestations terms and typed small gun the first time through
zac, Choose one format first; build your ship get fighting.... THEN choose the second format, build your ship... etc. Otherwise, you will never get on the water. Take one step at a time.
Well what i just found out it that theres a fast gun club by me and a bigun club by me. There both like a hour away. I going for the fast gun but just was wondering about a ship for biggun. Im DEFFINITLY not making both.
Do fast gun, it's way cheaper. If you want to switch later, a lot of the tools and toys translate over.
If you want a ship for Big Gun, do a nice 35,000 ton "treaty" battleship. Big Gun is about big guns, and the 8" guns on heavy cruisers are NOT big guns. South Dakota, King George V, and Scharnhorst are good beginner boats for Big Gun. As for which club to join, I would recommend you visit both before deciding. Cost is a factor, because the average rookie boat costs about $1000 to build in Big Gun. But it's important that you see both and decide which looks more fun before you lock yourself on a particular course.
ya i would say attend a battle of each meet the ppl then go from there i would think the small gun should be cheeper but bug gun looks fun too but nomater what ur gona b building a ship to sink other ships so its all good[][8D][]
I'd say that the Des Moines would be a better starter ship for small gun work, and that small gun is probably easier to get into for a new guy then big gun (based only on what I've read about Big gun). Small gun technology is very simple and easy to understand. The cannons are cheaper and easier to procure then big gun cannons. Cheaper and easier I'd think makes for a smoother entrance into the hobby. That being said, the very most important factor in choosing which format you play in is the people you are going to be playing with. If you don't like the guys in your area who do small gun stuff, it simply does not matter if its an easier format to get started in. The best thing to do is to is to go check out battles from each format, and decide which group you find more appealing, and then start a ship for that format. Mike D
I'm not sure of local Big-gun rules there, but here in Australia, if the ship had it, you can arm it. For example, my HMS Rodney sports three triple barrelled 1/4 main guns, and is allowed to arm all six twin secondaries with 3/16, plus both torpedo tubes with 1/4. No-one's done it (yet), but it's allowed.
Those are the big gun rules here, too I'm just trying to imagine getting all that armed without putting in enough weight to sink it
It probably is. I'd go to a battle and/or build session and watch, talk to the battlers! Seeing stuff happen on the pond is a lot different than listening to us talk about it on here. (more fun)
Yea i would love to do that but not being able to drive creates a problem so i might hold off on getting into this hobby till im a little older