Has there been any tactics or strategies for destroyer fleet tactics? If we had a squadron of, say six Moggies or Fletchies, we would have enough firepower to engage a BC or BB and concentrate our fire on one ship, while the ship under attack would need to split fire between all six ships. Just an idea!
In a fast gun scenario, the strategy could be effective....... IF 1. The fleet of destroyers were reliable. (not so easy in such wee little boats) 2. The captains were competent. (Not a rookie maneuver) 3. It would be a points win. Very unlikely that the destroyers would actually sink the battleship. You would have to convince veteran captains to invest time and money into building destroyers, just to prove it could be done.
FastGun most DDs would have a single cannon aimed fore or aft turned no more than 15deg off centerline. Likely little downangle. Here's a build thread for one. https://rcwarshipcombat.com/threads/fast-gun-fletcher.444531/
I think the guys down in Georgia might have enough destroyers to meet your criteria, particularly considering some of them retired from their capital ships to destroyers due to back issues.
Back issues seem to be the major driving force towards smaller liter components and ships. Tech wise anyway. I love it. I can build a capital ship nice and lite then add ballast at the pond with tanks inside that free flood. I truly think this is the only way I will be able to keep building the big un's.
Was going to try it on my 1/96 P.E. but with all the guns that ship is getting I may have to use lead. Heavier than water you know, lol. But when I get my hands on the Iowa I will be looking to do it on that ship.
So I have heard, just need to get togher with Mark and see what he did and if it will work for what I want to do.
Destroyer tactics.... Getting more than 2 captains to follow a plan... let me just leave this here... FYI, I have a destroyer so I know what I am talking about...
A Destroyer or Cruiser "swarm" can work, however it requires extreme teamwork, lots of practice and patience to successfully take on a battleship. Which is very difficult to get most skippers to calmly pull off such maneuvers. Also realize there is a high probability that one or more of those destroyers going up against a battle wagon would likely be sunk or seriously damaged in the process, however using torpedoes the destroyers are also very likely to be able to inflect enough damage to sink a battleship. Now in Big Gun Combat battleships would have to arm and activate as many of their secondary batteries as possible to fend off those annoying greyhounds nipping at their heels. Which is one of the reasons that battle wagons have secondary batteries to begin with. Thus making it very difficult for destroyers to get into their own gun range (which is pretty much suicide), or to sneak up along side for a torpedo attack. Plus rotating turrets have a major advantage over fixed guns in keeping those little torpedo buggers at bay.