Hey, I am looking for some plans of the Deutschland Cargo Submarine. I think if there are no rules restricing it, it would be very helpful in a game, classified as a convoy. I found some plans, though what I need from them is the profile of each rib, so I can cut them out, put fiberglass on them and cut holes for balsa wood... etc. Also any other Cargo sub plans are welcome.
Hi Ben, This isn't an answer to your question, but actually a couple of more questions. Is this your first ship? In what club will you be battling (under what ruleset)? Are you fairly experienced with models? A sub usually isn't the best ship for a first ship, as they are all fairly small in our scale, and really tricky to make work properly.
Yes, I know it is a difficult ship to work with. Yes, it will be my first ship, but I have experience in building things like this. I will be hopefully battling with the WWCC, and yes, I am experienced with model and construction.
I'm not quite new, but yes, I was there. I was sailing the LST, remember? It got lost cuz it got run over by another ship.
Anything? Yes, I am stopping answering the 'what ship to build' questions. It's not good for my sanity.
I'm confused. I asked for some plans, not wich ship I should build. Are you saying that your trying to convince me not to build a sub or somehting?
I have never seen plans for that particular sub. You may want to check with the German Federal Archives, they may have some reference material on it, though the cost to obtain... might not be low. And yeah, for the most part, a sub is not a real good idea for a new person in our hobby. Their ratio of their usefulness in combat vs difficulty to build and get right tends to make them better suited as side projects for experienced builders who already have a warship or two to sail when their toy doesn't work or they want to play in the primary aspect of this game - warships.
Thanks dude. I just don't really like the look of the classical battleships. I like the really big ones (E.G. Yamato, H-39, Montana and the Bismarck), but I know those can be expensive. George knows that I am interesting in building the most weirdest things, like a Zeppelin, a Hovercraft, a submarine with ballast tanks, and even a masssive AN-225 Mriya with guns hidden, facing downwards. Sigh... how to cure my illness of liking experimental stuff like that. I also wanted to build the USS Atlanta from a strike models kit, but I know those destroyers are hard to ballance. Also, i submarine the size of the Silverfish shouldn't be that expensive or hard or expensive to build, would it? It would be like one of those RC minisubs with balsa-wood decking.
How to cure it? Try to build one... In our hobby, smaller than cruiser tends to mean more expensive. In big-gun, your biggest cost is probably your gun systems, in which case a Yammer is probably cheaper than a Montana or Bis (fewer turrets). Hard to say how much you'd spend on a sub, but I can guarantee lots of time and frustration unless you bilt it purely as a surface runner, then it would just be a tight fit and easily run over.
Wow a Deutschland would be an impressive build. Since you don't plan to arm it it should be possible. Not cheap or easy, but possible. One thing to consider though is how will your local club take to having a submarine cargo vessel? For my local club it would probably be considered cheating even if it was technically legal (it isn't) and then be banned permanently. Obviously your club is different than mine but you probably wouldn't want to waste that much time building her only to have her banned instantly so make sure to get consensus before getting too far along.