Justin, on your circuit breaker, you can buy self resetting thermal circuit breakers that will close again automatically after a certain amount of time... It would probably work well for your applications. That decking looks really nice -Greg
Sweet, I figured something like that had to be out there. I used this one on the Iowa, and haven't had the time to re-research the decision I made. Thanks!
Lots of cars had the auto reset type in place of a fuse for the power windows. I think they were usally rated at 30 amps, and fit in the same as a normal blade type fuse would.
check out part number 4212T1 at www.mcmaster.com there used to be others there but I can not find them.
Too bad there isn't a 40Amp version. ;( $24, huh? Pretty stiff! I'll use my current breaker to get a feel for the ship. If I start popping the breaker frequently, I'll up it to 40 & get an auto reset. I have the feeling however current will not break 30 unless both are stalled. BTW Greg.... how tough is this prop? I had twin cast props on the Iowa, they were unbreakable.
I started working on the pneumatics system before I had to re-focus on the new house & work related stuff. I have resigned to not being able to work on her until next year. Kills me too, I had less than 2 weeks left (estimate).
That's too bad. I understand where your coming from on this. I put everything on hold for now till after XMAS.
Justin I like what I see, but Looking at your pimp, if it was to tilt back just a bit, it looks like the case on the pump motor could short out the drive motor wiring in the pictures, are you going to coat them with somthing to prevent that, or make a mounting bracket for the pump housing?
If you don't have time to work on it right now you know what you have to do..... Yes! Post the pictures in our bismarck section When you get time!
Well, I pulled the T down from the shelf & dusted her off last week. I finished the propulsion, mounted the CO2 valves, ran a bit of wiring, painted a lot, and sheeted her up. I don't have any pix at the moment, but this morning... at 1100 hours, PST... The newly refit DKM Tirpitz went for her first sea trial! I have a small pond in front of my house, and took her for a spin for an hour and a half solid. I took her directly under the waterfall & tested out her pump for at least 15 minutes. All told, she performed brilliantly, no damage that I could tell and nothing malfunctioned. Next week I need to get her floats installed, and perhaps take her to a larger pond to test out her legs. But before next week, I need to get some more pix posted.
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am re starting mine right after Nats! Sea trials and superstructure are all that's left!
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am re starting mine right after Nats! Sea trials and superstructure are all that's left!
I got three "forums are not available" when I posted that one. I actually logged off and went to bed. Thanks for the encouragement though,