Greetings all. I am doing it, I am opening up the dry dock. I was not sure if I should put this question in Warship builds or here in the plans page. If my calculations are correct, The 144 scale Tirpitz has a beem of 9.83 inches. I am looking at the Tirpitz plans and it looks like the ribs (whole numbered ribs) are spaced 3.14 inches apart. What causes me pain is that the plans seem to well short of the scale lenght of the ship!! Scale lenght: 68.625 inches in lenght, The plans when measured show the lenght to be: 65.60 inches! I feel that I should streach my rib spacing to work ths ship up to 68+ lenght. Am I correct?
One of the members of this web site send me the tech drawings of the ribs. The rib spacing I had found online.
OK, I have streached my rib placement sheet to 69.335 inches. This makes the whole numbered ribs 3.33 inches apart from center. I think that I was mixing Bismarck and Tirpitz templates. I plan to print the rib placement sheet tonight.
Ditto what Nick said. I have run into that before, after cutting a subdeck to different plans than the ribs were cut from. Result far from satisfactory.
Don't know if you're using these / have seen them, but you may want to glance at the set here: They do need scaling but locations are consistent across sheets iirc.
Hi Nick. From that web site I am using plan 5 for rib location. Under each rib it has listed a general area and location in meters. The template for the ribs was mailed to me from one of the member of the old RC Naval combat web site so long ago, I can not remember who it was now. Thus using plan 5 locations, I have generated a keel line and marked the location of each rib. (I did have plans to purchase a fiberglass hull but with the Sequestration and Furlough hanging over my head, I felt that working on a hull from scratch with what I happen to have on hand would help keep me from going cRaZy.)