Wha is the Eurgle? For details, it is a Flysky series 8ch 2.4ghz computer radio for about $95 r2hobbies.com/proddetail.php We had our first battle test yesterday. Scotchkoted the RX, let it dry, reassembled, put in an Un-Rep ship and turned it loose in convoy duty. Range and operation were fine for the first 6 cargo runs, so the owner told the operator to head for open sea (across the lake) zigging and zagging to see if control was maintained. At an estimated 225 yards (the ship was a mere speck), he gave the command to come about and return to port. So, range and control look to be more than adequate for combat. Mixing capabilities look pretty good. Adjusting trimout during the convoy runs was relatively simple. WARNNG: This is another one of the inexpensive radios from China with no manual, and there is a safety feature that gives a cryptic "Switch Error" if all switches are not flipped back on powerup. Not for the faint of heart or newb, but good bang for the buck so far, for someone willing to do the legwork. Cheers,