Work continues on the production version. Going away from custom 3D parts and keeping with the theme of plastic there is now a new motor mount and servo holder. Lightweight! Bottom view, contoured to fit the hull.
With top plate to hold the motors in place. Note the water channel where the servo wire can go back to the receiver.
Top view, now you can see where the servo goes in the setup. Brass couplings are now offered, more set screws with this setup and less chance to slip.
First and foremost, hull and deck. Then you can order the rest of the pieces- disclaimer - I am helping by building and testing, I am not the guy with the business to get this up and running. There will be two versions offered, one for combat and another for scale "fun run". We are close, currently we are doing water evaluations
Not at this time. The balancing of the hull is difficult, not to mention this is a scale hull so hull height becomes an issue. Primary layout is for a rookie to get on the water, an advanced builder might make it work...
I realize that you are a tester, not the main designer, but it this is designed for a rookie, why not add height to allow extra space. Also I would think that a rookie should be encouraged to learn aft gunnery........
You can flip it if you want. This is a "get them on the water" boat, they will soon want a new boat and that one can have a stern gun. Meanwhile, they still show up with a working boat while they make the "uber ship killer". If you want as an experienced builder, cut the hull and add the height if you want. You can also cut it in half and add 1.5 inches and make it a gearing.
because its being made in part to be a scale model hull - and not being sold by a combat specific vendor. Two different worlds, and the scale modeling world is bigger than ours and doesn't tend to be in favor of such things.
Adding 3/8th really doesn't help, this is so weight intolerant that you are really just adding more side area to get shot. It floats well on the scale water line. An experienced captain can use brushless motors to save weight/volume, smaller brushless pump as well. Then maybe you can have the stern gun, I hope we see a lot of build logs once this gets into your hands.