here, check this out. with my *crappy* mounting technique, I could not get the gun mounted better than horizontal, hence the bended barrel. after much fiddling this morning, here's what I have now. It's around 15 degrees now, from what I can tell. Once I fix the haymaker I'll be legally able to compete in contests that I can't afford on a forester's salary because the government pays us below the poverty line. bit of a moot woohoo, lol
lol oh boy. Yeah, you guys have fun with this. I'm just going to go back to following Tyler and @Bob 's advice and get these silly bends out of my barrels by making less crappy gun mounts.
Yeah, I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just curious because I don't know of a clause in the rules that bans it.
Others have done it, and their have been arguments pond side at Nats, and it was determined to be against the spirit of the rules, or some such. Lots of rules are not followed, or made up when its convenient for one side or the other.
I swear, half the fun of this forum is the dry humor, memes, and rule submarines. Just fixed the problem. took a little long because the stainless steel barrel went out of round, so I made a new barrel for it. the haymaker barrel's straight too, sans problems. Though I am only cranking about five degrees down, but I am going to rip up that mount later and get a nice respectable down angle on it. Just took a closer look at the photo. that looks a lot steeper than it is in real life. but I did the trig and it's 15.64 degrees.
looks good, if you want the steeper down angles, pretty much have to bring the nut out of the turret, unless you bend it under the turret. have seen it done both ways.
yeah I am fine with it right now. I moved onto the stern to try and get that one in similar condition, but..... I managed to kink the mag tube to the point where I'm "throw things" angry at it, and had to set it down to keep from breaking things. I will probably see if I can find a torch later this week so I can rip out the mag tube. No copper tubing to be had in non-bulk form, so I am probably going to genie something together with that high-strength reinforced polymer stuff. I have seen several people on the site use it in the forum to good effects, and have handled similar tomfoolery before in non-boat applications. Long term is that I am going to replace it. But this not-copper tubing will allow me to test several different mag configurations before I go and do it with copper tubing once I get the ideal layout. still a bit impressed that copper is the mag material of choice given all of the inherent problems with the material
1/4" brakeline works well for magazines. Can be soldered to the tee and is harder than copper. It may take a tubing bender to form it though. I've heard that you can form it with your hands, but I've always had access to a tubing bender to have never tried.
that may work out. NAPA has brake lines here. On a slightly related note, what was that pneumatics part supply site you used alot? I was just tooling through the thread trying to find the link you posted
I figure since I'm bored, my girlfriend went schitzo, and I have nothing but time ahead of me that I'd try to build one of those tube coil mags that @SteveT44 made last year. for reference:
Oh yes, McMaster is good. You may want to talk with Steve about that mag setup, I think he had some issues getting it to work properly.
good to know. I have a backup plan with the brake line stuff though, so I'm not too worried. thanks btw
No problem, always glad to help. You've done a really nice job on the Texas. I look forward to seeing your future improvements.
So far I have found a PTC similar to what he attached on the back end, and I am trying to figure out what the deal is with this: trouble is, I don't know what the size and thread pattern of the Strike guns are. I think the 1/16 barb fitting on the end is 10-32, so I have a brass version of the end part of what he did. But with regard to connecting the 1/4 tubing to the T-fitting on the bottom of the gun.... constructing his mod is a bit outside of my tool capabilities are right now, so I am trying to hunt down a ready-made brass one. the plastic one is rated to 150 PSI, but I am not so sure that I should be running something at the top of its rating. Here's the links of what I am currently looking at: back end: Front end: (running off of the thread link for this one--I don't know if 7/16"-24 is the right size) Any suggestions?