You might want to ask around to the fast-gunners, but I am not sure you would want to put the small pump in that big cruiser. I think they are more common in light cruisers, and the smallish heavy cruisers. Like I said.. Ask around just to make sure. Mikey
I talked to one of the guys at battlers connection and he said that the smaller pump would be fine. The only reason they list the larger pump for the des Moines is because of the drive motor size that comes in the hardware kit. He said that the pump motor can not be bigger than the drive motor but it can be smaller. He said that because the des moines is best for hit and run, pound for pound a smaller pump would work just as good and it saves space for other things. Looking at the two I don't see how it saves much space over the larger pump.
"He said that the pump motor can not be bigger than the drive motor but it can be smaller." While I think that is true of the MWC, I do not think that's true of the IRCWCC (which is where I assume you'll be battling). I'd go with the larger pump.
froggyfrenchman, do you have any Des Moines class hulls around? or intending to get some in the future?? I am looking for one, thanks!!
Phil and Mike D. have one each. I am contacting them to see if they are interested in letting them go. I do not have any left. Mikey
A little off topic but I think it is funny (not funny haha but funny weird) you see more and more people looking for the DesMoines class ship however only three where built (now I might be wrong I'm not a history major just a buff) but I believe all three where to late to play a roll in WWII now don’t get me wrong here I love the ship and they where instrumental in post war and other conflicts but I would think there would be more interest in the 17 Baltimore class seeing as there is more history there .I’m glad in one aspect it makes my ship unique but as I said it strikes me as odd just an off topic thought but i think i will start a thread to see now back to your regularly scheduled topic []
Well The problem is that there is no Baltimore hulls out there for sale. Fiberglass anyhow. There has been quite a lot of interest in the Baltimores, but folks really want a fiberglass hull. Just my oppinion. Mikey
That’s what I was figuring but I dont know why wood is so much more fun to play with [^] I started a new thread to see why. I like fishing [^]
At the current time, destroyers are very challenging to build. For example, based upon estimates of the weights of components combined with the weight of the components I do have, my Z-25 currently sits in the water with only ~0.25" of freeboard at the stern, without accounting for the weight of the completed superstructure. For the Rookie Ship Design Project, part 2, our goal is to make building destroyers in 1/144 a more reasonable endeavor that would be appropriate for first-time builders which would hopefully encourage a more proportional presence of the various ship classes during a battle.
I was seeing if there were any used or extra hulls around, I.E. cheap ones. all else fails I might visit battlers, but they are expensive so not the first place i go.
The Des Moines is a better ship in the MWC then the Baltimore is. As they have a larger membership (including the folks at BC), their needs drive their production. That's why there is a Des Moines and not a Baltimore. Performance is the bottom line for most people, not history...
Well the only thing I have to say to that about the Des being better is I held my own and won some of the south east regions high point cruiser with a Oregon City,now when this new group hits the water I think people will take notice.