A very big thanks to Mark (@rcengr) for being incredibly supportive of this contest and also for getting the winner's kits shipped out so quickly.
I don't think so. Cost vs result was far from ideal. It seems there is not widespread enthusiasm for taking and sharing photos. Perhaps instead something like a drawing from people who submit how-to guides, stem to stern articles and such.
Most are battling, few have pictures much less good battle pictures. I could have submitted a few pictures, but that would have diluted the results (potentially). If it were to be done, I could see a tier event where you whittle it down to the say top 5 submitted. My current screen saver is the cropped Bismark picture where it was shoved under after being on fire. The smoke is so cool (cause it is not my boat this time that is self immolating)
yes, hard to take photos while battling, but plenty of people also call 5 and get off the water early, or sit out sorties, or have friends/family w\ cameras/phones at an event. The basic problem with whittling it down is you have to have something to whittle down. I could announce now that we'll run it over the 2016 year and maybe get more, but maybe not. There is a cost to me to hand out prizes, and as great as some photos were this wasn't a practical way to spend 1-200$. Basically, it was a fun idea, but if I do it again it'll be more casual and most likely not hull kits for prizes. I would rather reward something where people don't feel they have to give up battle-time to participate, and something that would add more value to/enrich the site/community/hobby.
This is going to be great. Hopefully by the time this contest is up my son and I will have a ship to enter in the contest. In the meantime we are looking forward to looking at everyones pics! The shots which include the newly added ventilation holes in your opponents hulls or proof that superior fire power trumps all by making the other guys ship into a submarine is also a favorite of ours!!!