Fletcher Class

Discussion in 'Ship Plans' started by iowaclass, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. iowaclass

    iowaclass Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Correct, but it was a thread that was started in May 2013 and there was one guy on there claiming to have general plans from his grandpa, which he had planned to frame (probably framed by now). Also, I really wasn't looking to join another forum.
  2. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA
    Well if you want free plans, I think you could afford a little effort on your part in trying to find some. But to park yourself here and complain that we can't find the plans for you isn't very mannerly.
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  3. iowaclass

    iowaclass Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    I haven't just "parked" myself here....I have contributed. The original purpose of this thread was to offer a new source for Fletcher plans. Further, I have also given links to the General Plans of the USS Texas and USS South Dakota. So, if I only make an inquiry for one set of plans from a source that isn't paid, I don't see how that is a bad thing? Also, if I don't feel like joining another forum for an unsure source - it's my business. Please stop responding to this thread just to argue, it wasn't the original intent and I think it should stop.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  4. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA
    Please don't think I'm here just to argue with you.
    It is great that you have contributed plans for others to use. That is the great thing about this community.
    It is not a bad thing for you to ask for free plans. But criticizing the people here for not turning up free plans for you is not nice. Several people ( including myself) has said they searched for free Wyoming plans for you but came up empty handed. Based on that, I'd say there aren't any free plans available on the web at this time. I will continue to keep my eye out for Wyoming plans for you. :)
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  5. thegeek

    thegeek Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Steve Andrews has these plans. And I am positive they aren't free, you get what you pay for generally.
    rcaircraftnut and Beaver like this.
  6. thegeek

    thegeek Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2008
  7. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA
    Yeah, I know, but @iowaclass isn't looking to purchase plans.
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  8. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
    It is not advertising simply to post a link to a vendor's site in response to a question. If you embellish it by saying how great the vendor is, maybe. But in general, you are simply providing help, not advertising, when you post a link in response to a question.

    A true advertisement is posted w/o a prior question. I hope you can see the distinction here.

    While everyone likes free stuff, most people here are not adverse to buying what they want/need. And most people here value knowing the location of a source whether it is free or not.
    rcaircraftnut and Beaver like this.
  9. Nick Park

    Nick Park Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Who cares if the plans are free or not? I've built 2 ships and the cheapest bit was the plans. If you can't afford the plans, maybe the rest of the ship will be too expensive. It costs between 500 and 1000 euros to build a ship, 20 dollars for plans is peanuts.
    rcaircraftnut and rcengr like this.
  10. iowaclass

    iowaclass Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    $529 to $1059 USD is not a problem for me, I guess it all comes down to principle - when there are a lot of good quality free plans out there (Booklet of General Plans), I guess the accountant in me just makes me want to look a little longer......especially since I don't think that these historic documents (Booklet of General Plans) from a US Navy that I have served in (not in the era of battleships though) should be sold for profit.

    I respectfully disagree and as I stated before, I will put a disclaimer in anything I post asking for no advertisements.
  11. iowaclass

    iowaclass Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Bottom line, if I don't find them......then I'll build the Texas.

    Back on subject, what do y'all think about the Fletcher plans?
  12. Beaver

    Beaver 2020 Rookie of the Year Admiral (Supporter)

    Apr 12, 2013
    Central PA
    Who said the booklet of general plans for the Wyoming class were being sold for profit. The only place I know that you can get them is the National Archives, and they're not sold for profit.

    Is that all that you're going to leave us with? Just because you don't like it, we shouldn't try to help people?
    Did you see the PM I sent you?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  13. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
    Ok, a few things here:

    1) Just because you start a thread doesn't mean you get to control what's posted in it. This is a public forum and people are free to reply with links or whatever information they think is relevant to share as long as they don't violate the forum rules.

    2) While you may hate ads, others like having the references to items they might be looking for but are having a hard time finding. Just because a post with a link to a vendor's site is worthless to you doesn't make it worthless to everyone else.

    3) One of the things that makes this forum so great is how willing people are to share their information, including links to stuff only available on vendor websites. That's not advertising, it is a helpful public service, and it is how this forum has operated since its inception.

    4) You have the right to respectfully disagree, but you do not have the right to limit what gets posted on this forum. We have moderators whose job it is to remove stuff that violates the rules, and what you are complaining about doesn't violate any of those rules as far as I can tell.

    5) I have many General Plans booklets, and most of them do not contain hull stations or even cross sections. In general, they were meant to familiarize the crew with the ship and to provide info for Damage Control. It is the exception, not the rule, that the General Booklet of Plans provides enough info to scratch build a hull. Thus, other sources are often needed. Even the site you posted with the extensive Fletcher library doesn't seem to have hull lines or stations.

    I hope you find your General Booklet of Plans for the Wyoming some day. But I seriously doubt if you do that it will contain enough info to scratch-build a hull. Nearly all of them I have seen from that time period are inadequate to the task. Worse, many Booklets that can be found from that time period are incomplete, with torn and/or missing pages. Unless you are willing to go to the National Archives yourself, you will likely need to buy plans to get the info you seek.

    Good luck. I wish you well on your quest.
    rcaircraftnut, Lou, ish311 and 3 others like this.
  14. pigeonfarmboy

    pigeonfarmboy Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2016
    Champaign, IL
    All of this mess and now the plans are pulled off from the original post? Seems like an awful lot of butthurt for free plans.
    rcaircraftnut likes this.
  15. SteveT44

    SteveT44 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    rcaircraftnut, Nick Park and Beaver like this.
  16. Lou

    Lou Plastic magic -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    Wow, we are all trying to get COMBAT boats on the water, more captains equals more fun. To be "upset" and then pull your link shows your true character.
    Anyways, I would use plans to put on some minimal detailing, but the fletcher cannot be more than three pounds so every ounce saved goes to primary systems. To scratch build a destroyer is just beyond most builders, the return on time is not recognized other than the "cool factor". With a plastic replaceable hull, now it is very easy to build (versus scratch). My personal intention was a NEW captain looking for plans that has no idea on how hard to build, but if redirected to a plastic hull then maybe we get him on the water. And then next he/she is building a cruiser or battleship for even more fun.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  17. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    I live in DC and will look for Wyoming if I ever make it to the expansion where most of the plans are kept. Unfortunately it requires going on a work day to pull records, and I work most work days, so not sure if/when I'll make it. Which version are you looking for, since it underwent at least one major refit (and then training ship)?

    I agree with the other sentiments about General Plans booklets, having looked at 1000's of ship drawings at work most BGP drawings would be useless for our purposes.

    And I concur with attitude adjustment, no one makes you read the replies to the post or click on the links, a simple 'thanks for the info, not quite what i'm looking for' doesn't seem too unreasonable
    rcaircraftnut, dietzer and Beaver like this.
  18. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
  19. Crudercjm

    Crudercjm New Member

    Dec 22, 2016
    I have been waiting years to buy it is anyone having luck getting them?
  20. Lou

    Lou Plastic magic -->> C T D <<-- Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 31, 2008
    Smyrna, Georgia
    Why not just buy the hull from Phil, there is so much work to do on a class one that building the hull yourself will not save you any money.