Freaking Smack.... Reader Beware!

Discussion in 'Atlantic Radio Control Club' started by Craig, May 30, 2008.

  1. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    cod fish=bb26's crew
  2. ChuckR

    ChuckR Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    That worked well now didn't it.
  3. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Again the allies have nothing intellegent to say.
  4. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Gee I wonder if the Axis can come up with original smack. It seems too much like parrot with changing the words Axis to allies.
  5. ChuckR

    ChuckR Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Better be careful Paul one of the hill billies is going to school to get edumacated. Some big words may come out that he doesn't understand but using.
  6. ChuckR

    ChuckR Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Craig did you forget our number or did ya just forget to call again.
  7. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    You talked to me, you smacked me on the forum.... what... the home made lobotomy not working out there allied scum? You are supposed to cut into the head.... not into the floor boards.... once again... axis to the rescue!
  8. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    Why is it every time I hear the word Axis fleet I hear the theme to Gilligan's island. Ahh the DKM Minnow.
  9. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Funny.... I hear the theme music the Price is Right. Da-da-da-daaaaaaaaa-dada-da-da-da-da-dada......

    The Price is Wrong Paul. The PRICE is WRONG.
  10. William 249

    William 249 New Member

    Oct 28, 2008
    Craig I thought the allies theme song was the barbie song.
  11. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Oh my. This is good:

    Allied ships,
    In an allied world,
    Wrapped in Balsa,
    Full of holes.

    Glue new panels on,
    Patch up all the cracks.
    It doesn't matter,
    Time to sink again.

    Allied ships,
    In an allied world....


    (hint.... go download the song... it actually fits)
  12. bb26

    bb26 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    I've paid my dues
    Time after time
    I've done my sentence
    But committed no crime
    And bad Sinks
    I've suffered a few
    I've had my share of bb’s shot in my balsa
    But I've come through

    We are the Allies - my friends
    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
    We are the Allies
    We are the Allies
    No time for losers
    'Cause we are the champions - of the world

    I've taken my 5’s
    And my ram calls
    Allies brought me fame and fortune
    and everything that goes with it
    I thank you all

    But it's been no bed of roses
    No pleasure cruise
    I consider it a challenge before the whole Axis Fleet
    And I ain't gonna lose

    We are the Allies - my friends
    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
    We are the Allies -
    We are the Allies
    No time for losers
    'Cause we are the champions - of the world
  13. Gascan

    Gascan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    It seems the allies are stupid enough to mistake the thread for humbling and degrading your opponents for a thread to publish and recite poetry. Poetry, forsooth!
  14. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that there is a grave peril about. I have heard, from various sources, that there are Allied battleships STILL AFLOAT on the pond, to this very day. As you can no doubt guess, the presence of these Allied battleships represents a very grave peril, as the space occupied by an Allied battleship on the pond is space that cannot be occupied by an Axis battleship. Our Mighty Fleet has sunk these Allied battleships time and time again, but they keep coming back for more. And with tongue firmly in cheek, I submit for your consideration A Modest Proposal For the Removal of Allied Battleships From the Axis Pond.

    I have been assured by a very knowing Chemistry Professor, that the Balsa Wood Armor which protects Allied Battleships, can be combined with free Oxygen in the air in an exothermic, self-propagating reaction that can reduce the threat of an entire battleship to nothing in fifteen minutes. He has also informed me that the process may be accelerated by the addition of a large number of high-velocity steel pellets, carefully placed for maximum effect.

    This proposal will have many benefits, the first of which is removing Allied Battleships from the Axis Pond. By combining their Balsa Wood Armor with free Oxygen in the air, we shall reduce its structural integrity such that it can no longer hold out water, no matter how much patching is done. When set upon the water, the Allied Battleships shall immediately spring leaks, capsize, and sink, effectively removing them from the Axis Pond, providing all the Axis Ships with plenty of living room once and for all.

    But that is not the only benefit. My proposal shall also cut down on Ram Damage. It is a well-known fact that Axis Skippers are too skilled to ram other ships, but Blundering Allied Skippers perform that feat on a daily basis, despite their best attempts. With the Allied Battleships removed from the Axis Pond, there will be no more ships incompetent enough to ram other ships, thus reducing Ram Damage to zero.

    In addition to Removing Allied Battleships from the Axis Pond and Reducing Ram Damage, my modest proposal shall Establish a Lasting Peace. As we all know, every year the Mighty Axis Fleet beats down the Allies, and forces them to sign a peace treaty in the Autumn. But then, the Allies spend the winter fixing battle-damage and building a new fleet, and invariably break the terms of the peace treaty come spring to wage war again. I believe that my modest proposal will so humble the Allies that they would not dare to try their hand again at model naval warfare.
  15. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Here!Here!, this is a man of wisdom. Come all ye faithful(...uh, Axis Captains), let us rise a one and crush these feeble annoyances once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Amen, ... My axis brothers we must stand together and put an end to this sorry cycle of the allies ships on our axis ponds around the world. Once and for all we must sink these allied meatbags as they are not worthy of our holy power.
  17. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Wow, this could be taken badly, as in some uber-white supremacist/nazi thing, we'd better be careful
  18. Chris Easterbrook

    Chris Easterbrook Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Hey Boomer you could be right execpt this is after all a smack thread, most people don't take what is said in here as serious. We try and keep it light and have fun with it.
  19. ChuckR

    ChuckR Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    That is a new tactic for the axis Kotori. Try and put us to sleep. That is most likely the only way you could ever win.
  20. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    i know, but those are people who know this, dont want to scare/anger anyone