Please don't confuse the Axis with big words like school and poetry Chuck. They are still having a hard time with abc and 123.
There is no way the allies are house broken. Yuo allies have nothing new to offer but the same useless propaganda. No axis captain will listen to such obvious lies. We are much too smart for that.
Yadayadayadablahblahblah, I hear the same dibble coming out of Allied mouths yet AGAIN!!!!!!! Can't you get some new material? Here like this, "Axis rule and Allies drule" See it is simple, but not as simple as the Allies!!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh smell the sweet stench of .... Paul, put your arms down! ...... the sweet smell of victory.... all`s quiet on the digital front.... live in fear allies.... live in fear.
Yes they are plotting the destruction of the axis fleet but it will do them no good. I too smell the burning .... the allies must be thinking. Man poor hamsters.
Well no response from the allies again..... they must have come to grips with their destruction at the hands of the axis fleet.
NEWWS REPORT LIVE FEED: "..... We are seeing signs of the apocolypse.... riots, littering, people with signs.... slogans on them "Reap what you sow... The Allied ends in disaster.... Fear the whirlwind...." The damage and silence of our governement and the ineffectivness of our combined naval armada has shown the world that what we knew months ago.... the end of the war is upon us, and we will fail........ This is Paul Crane signing off." Paul Crane - Reporter, Combined Allied Captured and Refitted Fleet News, London, England September 14, 2008.... Just a little glimpse of the future .... scum.
Don't worry axis scum. We Allies will be generous and will provide you a nice meal. We are serving our special. HUMBLE PIE.
We will be sending your allied garbage scows to the bottom. There is two things you can do about it .......nothing and learn to like it....