Just a small update. The ribs are cut out and the superstructure is printed out. I have started the process of sloping on the paint while I take breaks from sanding out the ribs to the correct thickness. Hopefully when the weather warms up in a few weeks can get to doing the fiberglass work on the rear of the ship to correct the height.
@GeekSpeed Whaaaaaaale, the problem is the Superstructure STL is not my design. I found a gentleman who does not wish THOSE files to be uploaded. But talking to him he did decide to offer them up for purchase on Shapeways. With that being said when I get better at doing curved shapes I will be uploading my own take on the SS myself (one a bit more practical and able to be printed on smaller printers). And a link to the gentleman's shop if you do not wish to wait for me to do them and release them for free. As with Shapeways stuff, it is pricey but looks good.
AAaaaahhhh, ok that makes a lot of sense. Those are nice pieces, but the Shapeways cost is a little crazy, especially for something that is gonna get shot up.
I sourced the batteries, motors etc etc. I have spent the good part of two days testing, building wire harnesses, and drinking. The next step is to finish the fiberglass work on the stern and then mount the motors. I got more parts coming tomorrow and Friday so I can mount up the rudders @GeekSpeed I can send you some low poly files now if you do not wish for me to wait and finish the build if you like.
Lookin good Fred! Don’t forget to leave yourself room for Co2 bottle, pump, and 4 turrets with accumulators! How much current do those motors draw? Do you really need four packs of on-board 5200mah batteries?
Small update. I invested about 17 hours into sanding out windows for this ship, little bits at a time over the last month. Between 55-hour work weeks, car repairs, and dusting off my 40k tau army to prep for 10th edition drop. I don't have much in the way of pictures this go-round, sorry guys. My replacement motors arrive Saturday, and the plan is to mount them on Tuesday (and tweak them) to get ready for water trial testing on the 22nd, and if I have time cut the upper decking. The biggest issue holding me back is having about 30 mins a day to invest in the ship and the fact when I have the most free time to work on it is 3 am at night when my neighbors are trying to sleep.
Little Update for today. I have temporarily mounted my Motors and Rudder servos today via hot glue until I am happy with my setup and built a proper mount for them. I have also cut and mounted my prop rod guides, and molded in my patchwork so no water leaks in. I will throw up some pictures of the work before the sea trials tomorrow. Im letting my work set for a few hours before I get around to doing some work on the decking.
I am terrified. There's a ghoulish undead skeleton ship on the water with no skin that isn't sinking. How is this possible? what manner of horror have you unleashed upon the world?
Some Pre Sea trial pics, Clear Gorilla tape so that I can go back in later and sand down some more to my lines. So the issue I currently face from today's trials is that the pin on my rudder is free spinning inside my main rudder. I am going to need to cut into the rudder and solder in a bend to keep that from happening or install an L-shaped brass rod. Next up on the project goals is the placement of a pump and installing the decking. Now I'm just in need of flow restrictors, finding an affordable 1gpm or .5gpm restrictor currently seems to challenge, but I can easily source a .75 gpm restrictor https://growonix.com/flow-restrictor-2800.html (the .75 restrictor) (thinking I might go 3 pumps, 1 with a 800 restrictor, and 2 with a 1500 restrictor to resolve the issue)
A minor update before work, started redesign of the quarter-deck to convert it into the float, plus access panel. See attached.
I love the idea of this movie and the twist at the end. The acting could have been better. Still a pretty good movie.