Graf Spee info

Discussion in 'Construction' started by CURT, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    The basic difference is that Full Load Displacement is used instead of Standard. Ships in this format have additional units and more "Options" to place those units. A maximum of 4 firing cannons can be used in bow or stern quadrants and 4 firing cannons in a side quadrant provided that the other side quadrant has a minimum of 1 working firing cannon.

    If your ship carried Torps it can (Divide 1 unit cannon into a 25 shot cannon and for a Torp a spurt cannon 5rds per shot- 5 shots. Cruisers that carried torps can mount their Torp broadside but with a 20 degree or greater down angle. b)If your ship carried a 1.5 unit cannon you can subdivide into a 50 rd bb cannon and a 25rd Torp cannon or 1/2 unit pump.Your choice.

    Speeds are more relative to the ships real tactical speed. In MWC cruisers get 23 seconds. In IRCWCC I think it's still 24 seconds. Treaty is much slower I believe..not sure though. In CWC-X for example some Cruisers are faster than others. On the speed Chart ships whose speeds in knots ranging between 27-31 kts are allowed 24 seconds. 16-21 knts 28 sec, 32-36 knts 23 sec, 37-41kts 22 secs. Graf Spee was 28kts. So was Yamato both get 24 seconds. Iowa was 33kts she gets 23 second speed.

    Ships have slightly more leeway in construction. Stringers can be min of 1/8 up to 1/4 inch.

    Bismarck and Tirptiz were set up for CWC-X but both used their options differently. Tirpitz did not have time to set up a Torp option but it utilized all 4 quadrants. Bismarck went with heavy firepower aft and a dual sidemount port but had a huge target in the stbd to stern stbd sidemount area.

    I am currently working on the rules package. I will have it available for posting before XMAS.

    Hope this helps. Email offline for any specifics or other questions if you like.

    Adm Stokomoto
  2. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008

    Ok I'll look at that then sounds
    interesting but I think I will
    for now stick with IRCWCC.
  3. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    Not a problem. I am working on a spreadsheet for the charts and stuff so it will be available before XMAS.

    Adm Stokomoto
  4. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    cant wait for that[:D]