Hi everyone! A big hello from over the Atlantic. I stumbled on your website through doing Youtube searches on radio controlled kits and was interested right from the start. Unfortunately the problem i seem to have right away is that their doesnt seem to be anyone in England that does any kind of RC Naval combat. We have more than our share of model engineers and RC enthusiasts but it doesnt seem like its something that is done over here. Can anyone prove me wrong? At the very least i intend on building a small, basic ship so i can just learn some new skills so i hope you dont mind me hassling and asking questions, as alot of it does seem complicated. Thanks once again, just reading through the website has been a great help. Im going to start on the Orfey class Destroyer over the Christmas break and see how things go along.
Greetings. The main reason we don't really have anyone from England, is that, as of the last time we spoke with a fellow from your side of the pond, this hobby was quite illegal there due to the firearm laws. We'd love to see it start up, but unless laws have changed there recently, I doubt you will find it legal to participate in the hobby, if you arm the ship. If you are truly driven, the Aussies had a similar problem but somehow managed to get an exception in the law set up for themselves.
Yes ive also heard that aswel. One of my other hobbies is target shooting and i would like to think im fairly well versed on the law when it comes to firearms in this country. I have to say im not sure what kind of law we would be breaking if we were to start it up over here. Im going to have to do some more research! For the moment im going to start building a boat, make a gearbox and generally mess about to see how i find it!
Good luck, I believe the last guy checked with local law enforcement and was told to find another hobby, assuming I am remembering correctly. One of the tricky ones I recall was something along the lines of "no airguns in public places" or something like that. I wish you luck, and I really hope you find a blatantly legal way to play the game. I look forwards to seeing your build
Welcome to the hobby, and the site. I am not sure about others in England. But there is a guy getting started in Paris. He already has a ship on the water. Mikey
Hey there and welcome. Try this site for some UK skippers. It was on Facebook and I joined awhile back. Looks like it is still up and running. Good luck. http://ukmw.altimit.co.uk/ Cheers Steve
Would you look at that.... Not many active topics but definately worth registering, thanks Steve! The airgun laws are a possibility now i think about it. We have very tight, some might say draconian restrictions on such things. I stared the keel and bulkheads on the Orfey last night though. I dont think balsa is the material for a boat that size ive got to say.
Hello there! I wish you a whole lot of luck. I was wondering as to what scale you are building your ship at? The last time I built a destroyer it cam ein really small and tight! I did a IJN Kagero DD. I know there is a few others that offer more room, I always liked the battle class. Buddy
Stephen is also investigating the laws in England and in other countries in Europe. At least a couple of countries focus on joules and the energy with which something is fired. Below a certain energy, it can be classified as a toy and be OK.
Hi guys, Bud - at the moment im building an Orfey Class Destroyer. I got the plans off this site and its in 1:144 scale. It looks fairly big to me but im sure that compared to your guys ships its going to be rather small. I can already see cramming all the stuff in might be a little tight but im prepared to give it a go. For the moment im going to just concentrate on propulsion and steering - both of which i dont really know how to do Ill probably have to make my own gearbox and use a small motor but i have a good site over here where i can buy parts. Keri - Yes as the law stands in this country anything fired BELOW one Joule is considered a toy. As for armament for the Orfey im honestly not sure what i could put in it anyway. I dont really have much clue where to get parts in this country to make a cannon but ive got skill with soldering and joinery so although im not daunted in making the gun, its getting the parts that might be an issue. Here are some pictures of the ship so far anyway guys - what do you think? Ive added the extra hull spars just to give the balsa some strength. I need to get some wood hardener and then i can think about skinning the ship. Cheers!
Ok guys - i clearly messed that up! Sorry! Where's the edit button? If a mod see's this first please delete those images!
that is a bug in the forum software that justin is still working on. if the pictures are too large, they move the edit buttons off to where you can't get them.
Yep - thats basically what ive done. Sorry about this guys :/ Any way to remove them as i cant see the edit button? Ill happily repost them with a link.
good link nick, I was able to fix it for Grove. I need to figure out the site syntax to fix some other threads that had that happen to them
Roughly: Match the numbers in the link here: http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/Forum/tabid/58/afv/post/action/re/aff/556/aft/441274/postid/452017/Default.aspx to the numbers in the thread link. (58 - seems to always rem,ain the same, likely just tells DNN that its the forums module; 556 - does seem to change -believe this is the subforum-id; 441274 - believe this is the topic-id; 452017 -- should be the post-id)