My apologies. Where the ship is located presently. Also the condiiton/work that needs to be done now that I thnik of it.
Maybe add "Other Opinions", and let other captains comment on the individual ship. I know a few people who think they build the perfect ship every time, and bought a used ship from one. Dratted thing didn't work worth beans until I gutted it and replaced almost every component in the boat. I would have liked to know it needed a rebuild before buying it. On the other hand, there are a few "loaner" boats I have used that I would highly recommend.
Carl, Are you talking about some sort of Ship VIN? Like maintaining the history of each individual boat over the years? Do a BoatFax report before buying that new boat? This would be interesting & is possible; but would people actually do it?
hmmmmm it could be good and bad. I think this might have a way of alienating people and might not be something worth persuing. If one person got enough bad "press" with regards to their work , but has a great time and loves going to the pond, it might start to grate on them. Although, this is a great idea, I also think there are enough out there who find it hard enough to stay in the sport, without the chance to have someone speak about there boat and it come out negative. If this could be done and not have people's fellings get hurt, like post a dislaimer or have me selling a boat or pushing a service for the membership, then I can have say two reference e-mails tagged to the advert and the prespective buyers can check with the refs first.... that might work better and keep it discret. My two bb's
I agree with you craig. But, I think it would never go that far. No one (except a handful) would ever use it. I think it is too much effort for little positive (or completely negative) return. But I want to listen to all ideas; Carl, how does you idea work?
Btw, The Newfoundland is no longer a part of the Grey Armada it has been sold and replaced on a trade with a fully functioning Mogador. And proud of it!
You're probably right in that possible negative press could turn people away from the hobby. On the other hand, a rookie who buys a "ready to fight" ship only to discover half the guns don't work will also be turned away from the hobby. I am aware that implementation of this suggestion is potentially harmful, so IF it is to be implemented, we must find the least harmful method of accomplishing it. If not, then don't implement it. It is just a thought, after all. I can think of two ways to get "other opinions". The first is similar to what we have for photos: allow people to comment, and allow the seller to delete any comments he doesn't like. That way, other captains who have seen, fought against, or operated the ship for sale can add their own comments on the good, the bad, and the ugly. The second way is to allow each purchaser to report their satisfaction with the purchase on a scale of 1-10. A seller who gets high marks indicates the buyer got what he was expecting or better, while low marks show poor quality or poor reporting of the condition of the ship.
Personal tale to tell. One was-a-member last year quit after spending what he claims was a thousand dollars on one boat with three guns a VU. He quit and abandoned everything he owned walking away from pretty much it all. It can take people out that have tonnes of waiting experience and the casual player can go on a whim. These are important topics to be prepared for as there are two shows in April and when recruiting you need to be careful what you say. Our club will also be camoe'd on a local early morning newscast. Thoughts on what I should or could say to an audience of close to a million about our sport? LOL As for the scale and such, why not use what is successful elsewhere, like, ebay for example. Seller's performance and feedback in transactions shows a rating and allows the business transaction partner a chance to sell/buy/trade with confidence.
I think this is about the only reasonable way to do it, if we do it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I think the best way to move forward is get some of the core features of the grey armada online (while keeping these ideas in mind) & then see how we can add this stuff later. The grey armada is going to be one hell of a project, probably double the amount of code already in rcnavalcombat! I hope it will be worth it & I hope people use it.
Justin I located the old NABS BROCHURE that we used to use. It is still on our old site. I copied it to a file. I can send the files to you if you wish to see them.
Here. Here. I think it's a no brainer at this point. Perhaps let's try the friends aspect. Go with who you know. Example: I post Mogodor to the Grey Armada. My Friends list would be Paul, Breckin, and John (this is just an example Curt) LOL Anyways, their usernames (clickable for e-mail) are attached to my posting. Then, if someone had questions about the ships I had up there they can question me or my "Friends" How is that for an alternative?
As God si my Witness... post smack in the smack area... geez, you are worse than Paul sometimes.... *sighs*
I guess it could be something like that. Right now I'm working on a ship registry that will contain all ships that we know about; much like MWC ship list. This will serve as the basis for this grey armada. As you search through, you will find ships based on the categories we talked about above plus club specific info (3.5 units in MWC, 4 in Treaty). You will also see rating of the ship based on people's votes. Categories could be speed, manuverability, weaps, armor.... As you select a ship that you are interested in, it will list the stats for that ship; who ones one / who has owned one, what they thought, pictures, any for sale... What do you think?