The Deutschland I think would be a good ship. Fast, decent armament, good room in the hull for the bits and parts.
I think the Deutschland is a better first boat over a Derfflinger. A Derf has sidemounts but the problem with sidemounts is that they require a lot of skill to get your ship at the right range. Being that close also risks ramming and return fire from other sidemounts. Whereas stern guns leave a lot more distance to stay safe and if things start to go badly you are already pointed away from trouble. A Derf also requires more skill to battle effectively than a cruiser, she is as long as a NC but lacks the rudder and firepower so can be an easy target if handled poorly. Also a Derf is a crowded boat internally compared to a Deutschland. That said I still miss my old Derfflinger. And your friend should build what they want to build.
I think I am going to get him Phill's Montcalm. Just untill he gets enough money to get his own. He is really excited. He has a friend who wants to do it too. So we may have two new captains.
Awesome, fresh captains. Can't wait! The NC is up and runnig so that will be three new boats on the water.
Don't worry I am sure my NC will have its share of problems to work out before I can transition from hunted to hunter. Besides with my luck everyone will be like hey there's Hovey, he hasn't sunk in years, get him!!!
I've got atleast one friend who is intending to stop by for Sunday's battle that is in concept interested, hopefully we can hook him good. More people, more ships, more fun.
I'm looking forward to witnessing my first battle this weekend! I'm also bringing a friend/coworker with me who's interested as well.
It sounds like we are going to have a lot of people come this weekend. At least 6 ships. Hovey, have you looked at swan lake yet? If I may I think it would be best to have it at coal creek just because there are so many new people coming. I know my mom would come if it was in coal creek and my camera crew. But if everybody wants swan lake then swan lake it is.
Sorry, I got over there and then I forgot to post about it. Swan Creek looks beautiful. Nice sand bar to hang out on and plenty of water to play in.
I would like to get everybodies opinion. I think we should stay up at coal creek this time. Just because we do have a lot of new people who are coming. Tacoma is a long way. So, if thats ok with you Hovey, I think Nick and I would like to stay at Coal Creek. Also, have to talked to Phill about Swan Creek?
Well, its an awfully long way to drive, but as long as I get to shoot at peoples ships it will be worth it. If you guys both have people coming then Coal Creek makes more sense than Swan Creek does.
Its really not that bad, only takes me about an hour and a half to get there. Be aware though that Phill has a similar drive to get there. He is just coming from a different direction than me.