Dude, You need to give up on below's from a DD. That little tin can you have pictured will be very tipsy. Mounting the relatively heavy gun higher will be difficult from a balance perspective. Also, the gun is right smack where your steering gear will be. Even if you could get a far enough down angle to avoid skipping bb's, lining up shots with a DD is VERY difficult. They do not turn worth a damn in tight quarters. With a DD you attempt to line up your ass end on the target (or where you think the target will be) from farther out and then reverse into them trying to get a shot in. Most captains will see this from a mile away and avoid it. Remember you cannot steer in reverse.
If someone wanted to take pot shots at me in a DD, I'd just start taking full speed passes down their sides
That's why full-speed is important Gotta go after those pesky 22sec ships head on too. Big risk of collision. Slightly related, I watched a Nagato impact a Montcalm at a perfect right angle, push it under and drive right over it before it had even sunk fully. It left a mental impression about the laws of tonnage.
i submit i am wrong in the case of massive imperical data from my peers thank you all for teaching me something important
Several years ago in Sanford, Fla. Charley Stephens was driving a Z-boat (small DD). Rick King had a beautifully detailed USS Maryland with that nice raked clipper bow..... Rick is not the best of drivers... Charley drove across his bow, Maryland performed a perfect "T-bone" hit at full speed. Z-boat rolled under, did two full barrel-rolls bumping along the bottom of Maryland, then popped back to the surface behind her, pumping like crazy but otherwise intact. Rick never even slowed down
Rick was in Georgia and driving a Scharnie. I was in my Z boat and we were on the same team. He was bearing down on my ship but I thought "were on the same team, he's just having fun". Next thing I know I get rolled and have to dive 10 feet in cold water to get her back. When I asked him, Rick replied :"you know I don't see that well". I am sure he and Don had a great laugh on that when back in Florida
One last destroyer story. In sanford I was in the z boat circling Charlies NC before a battle saying that I had him surrounded. Charlie laughed, and then unloaded triples that blew away my aft superstructure and quite a few holes in my boat. I deserved every shot on that one
max its obvious you are very competitive think how cool it would be if you sank someone with a pesky ship lol we have empirical evidence its possible anyone can be competitive with a powerhouse not everyone can finesse a win with 50 bbs
thx for the tip im trying to stay allied its not easy though the destroyer was just because its small and i was looking for building up my modeling skills practice practice i wasnt planning on outfitting it any time soon plus the technical challenges appeal to me im building my cleveland class and i may build another of those hulls if my first isnt pretty enough
I ran a Suffren for a couple of years. One of if not the best cruiser out there. I'm pretty good at the run and gun game. Still does not sink ships.